^If you get dumpstered in the lane and have to retreat to jungle early, do you finish vlads or rush deso? A morbid mask should give you okay sustain in the jungle, though you'll be starved for mana and still want basilius/raindrops. So what do you do in that case?
i never rush deso although im sure there is a situation where its correct
idk how you get dumpstered in lane as pa though, you have to really fuck up your matchup or have 2v3/1v2 lane
vlads/blight + raindrop and ill farm ancients mb, depending on their heroes
ur goal as pa is to utterly dumpster the enemy however, i dont think deso rush is good because you have no regen and need the vlads for your solo rosh anyway
ur fine jungling with just talon hdress pms if you really get fucked, that way you can keep your blight that you always buy very early
"idk how you get dumpstered in lane as pa though, you have to really fuck up your matchup or have 2v3/1v2 lane"
Safelane PA against a solid dual/trilane with a shitty support or even solo. Happens in particular when you have a jungler at 3k. And by dumpstered i don't even mean that you feed 0-5 by ten minutes, but more so that you're getting zoned pretty hard and can only get some last hits via dagger. I mean that your safelane isn't really safelane. I don't play PA myself, but I've seen people pick PA into safelane only to feed or barely get any farm.
"ur fine jungling with just talon hdress pms if you really get fucked, that way you can keep your blight that you always buy very early"
Yeah, this is what I thought, pretty much. Thanks for the answer.
I am pretty sure you always max blink strike in 100% of the cases.
well then im a liar xd
ive gone blur max twice? this patch and regretted it 2x
ur 14 when you break highground anyway so why would you need it by 10
i go max blur always cos i only pick pa to fight drow strats
clearly you get it when enemy have high physical, and when you have stuff like omni or other healers backing you up its probably better to increase your ehp
pretty ridiculous to write off max blur when max blur was the staple back when ee and rtz popularized pa mid, and even now people go max blink/max blur depending on games, look at the recent top games for instance
People think they have more survivability with higher level blur, but just think: At what point do you really die to right clicks as PA in the early game, anyway? Usually you get rekt because somebody nuked you to death, you got chain stunned, etc. You will lose a lot of hp to nukes and getting disabled without being able to fight back/lifesteal if you get caught up in something, and at that point another level in blur is way less valuable than having a shorter cooldown on blink strike, because it is actually your escape mechanism if you position correctly and get caught up in something you didn't anticipate.
If you position correctly, with blink strike lvl 4 you are as evasive as an antimage, but if you max blur you'll still die while you are running away from the fight with low hp because you do not yet have many items to compensate for your weaknesses and you have a terrible hp pool to work with.
And this is just talking about the aspect of weaving in and out of fights, in fact, maxed out blink strike will let you kill more people so that you can play more aggressive anyway (contrary to maxing blur which makes you tank more right clicks so that you can awkwardly stand and look at heroes).
Of course, this is in regards to your typical pub match where PA is completely misplaced and not a good pick at all, or somebody had randomed it, in a competitive setting or really high MMR you're likely to see very specific things for very specific games.
nah i mean if you have max blur ur actually retardedly tanky with raindrop wand or omni or oracle or w/e
ur probably right and im retard honestly
roshing before deso is retard unless ur team is slardar + luna or ta mid or someshit
Pubbers do, I have been bitched at for going vlads on PA cus "vanguard is the default build moron". It's kind of 50/50, half rush vanguard, deso or deso, vanguard, half do vlads.
I will never rush an early vanguard on pa, same for am. Pa imo needs to farm as quick as possible, not only for times but to level your ultimate as early as possible, however, I do not play pa very much.
My last pa game I went hod for the sole reason of techies mines, however, I felt a vlads would have been better for the game.
But vlads deso gives you a huge spike in power where you can snowball, similar to fv going diffusal manta
7k player tells me vg is better if you need more hp mostly against magic lineups
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