General Discussion

General DiscussionThanksgiving Week and Diamond Level

Thanksgiving Week and Diamond Level in General Discussion
Megu Rum

    I am regularly in Diamond 9 for the last few months. Last week, I was in Diamond 10. After playing a whole week in Thanksgiving... I dropped to Diamond 1. Wow. Did this happen to anyone else?

    Toto téma bylo upraveno
    meteor hammer

      a shock that nobody on this league of legends forum on this league of legends datasite shares your league of legends experience


        wow bro gosh.

        i played SMITE for about a year and got to diamond, played league for about 3 months and got to diamond, played this game for 3 years still stuck in 4k shitsville.

        dota is about 100x more competitive than those games no joke.


          retards whining about lol when the question has nothing to do with it

          ur division measures the average difficulty of all your recent games with any heroes. recently, you played quite a lot of HS matches in NMM, and it decreased your division score.


            No shit what does diamond has to Do with lol? Lol Rating is in ELO you dumb fucks.

            Also triplesteal what does bl mean?

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