General Discussion

General DiscussionDoes IP/Same PC matters when you make a smurf? Experiment: from Norma...

Does IP/Same PC matters when you make a smurf? Experiment: from Normal Skill to VHS in General Discussion

    I made a brand new smurf, because I went from almost 4200(4181) to 3778, because of HUGE tilt and being unlucky with smurfs on my side.

    Anyways, even tho I got unlucky, that's not the reason I lost almost 500 MMR. Reason is I can't fucking stay calm and positive. I tilt/rage so easily.

    So, I abandoned 3 times in 24 hours, resulting in doube low priority.

    I doubt I'll be coming to my main account this year, and if I do, it'll probably take SHITLOAD of time to get a good behavior score, since I dropped from 7500 to 4500... So, games are LITERALLY impossible to win now, since I get games like this:

    Check this Legion Commander:

    How the fuck he ended up in 3800 MMR I have no idea, but I don't really care, honestly. If system thinks he's in proper MMR, I'm fine with it.

    Anyways, I'll be tryharding on my new account I just made(i'll link it later here, didn't play a single match yet), and I'll try to calibrate as high as I can(will play only when I feel like I can stay positive, and will try to AIM for highest behavior score possible, aswell).

    Now, a lot of you might think that behavior score doesn't matter, but it actually matters more than you think.

    Players like Bogi dropped down from 5400 to 4600 in a matter of days, because of the behavior score imo.

    Despite disliking Benao's attidude, he's clearly better than 4200-4300 MMR, which is his current mmr I'd say, and it's like that mostly because him being a toxic as fuck and system is putting him to play with the same people.

    Which is fair I guess, but, once lowering down the behavior score to 4500-5000, there's no shortcut for you to get back at least to sub 8000(which is not even that high).

    Not going to lie, it's true that there's a reason I have low. behavior score and that I deserve to play with players simular to me, but if you want to change your low beh. score to something resonable decent, you have to literally work your ass off(which is fine, but then again, WAYY too much work).

    Anyways, this could be a good answer for anyone who wants to know how much time it'll take me to get to VHS and will I be able to calibrate at least 4300-4400 as high 3k/low 4k player.

    Also, I'm interested to see if my IP will affect my behavior score and my MMR aswell.

    See you and stay tuned.


      Ive already proved that it doesnt matter

      You can artificially create any mmr from any ip


        ^u can do anything and stuff that obvious doesnt need any proof to support it, but the q is about the starting point




            Same with the starting mmr, every game on every new acc got placed against new accs. They can be smurfs or new accs, but im yet to get placed in a first game where there wasnt another 1-2 actual noob accs

            Also the low behavior shadow pool is a bullshit excuse made from dunning kruger idiots who cant blame themselves for losing.

            Yes, you can get idiotic feeders, and even i got them on this acc once 10 games in a row after getting to 5420

            They would literally feed and afk and abandon 10 games in a row

            But it doesnt matter as i am higher skill and if you can reach some mmr once, you can reach it once again.

            Aka after those 10 games ive started winning mmr like usual.

            Tento komentář byl upraven

              i didnt read anything in OP but this seems relevant: after fucking around on a few different accounts im 95% sure smurf pool exists, even for ranked.

              on my 2k smurf every fucking game is full of people claiming they are 4/5/6k smurfs (and then ofc they proceed to feed because they aren't actually 6k they are some 4k moron on a smurf)

              thats not only proof thereis plenty more but im sure smurf pool exists.

              Tento komentář byl upraven

                the average hidden mmr of the first match on new accs varies depending on who made the smurf. op's question is about the tracking system valve uses. you are replying to a different question.


                  I made 2 smurfs in the past both calibrating at 4300 and 4500, but the sec. one I tried to int. feed a few games to see if it'll calibrate me 2k.

                  But both times I didn't care about behavior score. And it seems that it matters, because, game quality decrased dramatically as I droped to 4500.

                  At 7500 you'd get 2 normal games, 1 hard game, 1 unwinable game. At 4500 it's mostly 24/7 grief/troll games.

                  So I'm interested to see if I can get at least 8500-9000 behavior score and see if it'll actually matter.


                    i got 9500 and had it pretty much since forever
                    and i got matched with hanter in solo q once
                    just saying


                      if there was a separate pool for low beh score, the q time for me would be 6-7 minutes; but it actually oasts 2 mins and a half. i get to play with both positive players, and those ones who play ~50% of their matches in lpq.



                        I don't think there's such a thing as divided player base for high/low behavior score players,but I do belive in this:

                        You, as 9500 get priority over players with lower behavior score. So, if you que and there's 9 players with simiular beh. score, you get to play a decent game.

                        If you que in a weird hours or system can't find similar beh. score, you will get placed with players with lower ones.

                        With that being said, we can't know if Hanter was a toxic player or he just trolls a lot in general.


                          Ok, how about this:

                          Let's possibly say that there is some IP tracking and for some reason it tracks my starting mmr at 0 every time i make a smurf but it tracks yours at 4k lets say.

                          I want all of you to make me a smurf and ill play 1-2 games on each and track the skill bracket/behavior score

                          If you want play 1 coop bot game as that doesnt edit the skill bracket from what ive seen so that it maybe additonally tracks your ip for the first match

                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                            First game is on. Thinker and Invoker are fighting for me, while I picked Slark and gently marked safelane. Dis gona be gud


                              it doesnt matter where you can get these smurfs in two games, the question is about a different thing, stop please


                                the IP thing comes from the fact that some ppl make smurfs and get VHS on the very first game. now that is unusual dont u think?


                                  i kinda doubt there's such a thing, shred. it would be pointless not to make it oficially stated, considering the goals.


                                    What do you want me to do?

                                    Create a new acc, be an asshole to everyone to drop my behavior score to like 1k and then track the game difficulty?

                                    I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                      I was the kid that poked holes in the plastic packaging of paper towels and toilet paper. I was the kid that picked up just about everything in the grocery store. I'd squeeze the loaves of bread. Press my face against the beer six-packs.
                                      But the one section I always avoided during these tactile excursions was the meats. The asceptic cellophane and styrofoam packaging, the deep red color of the meats, the intercellular fluid that was apt to leak onto your hands and make them sticky. It didn't excite me at all.
                                      Around the time I entered adolescence, I learned about menstruation. I just assumed that men got used to and even enjoyed when their girlfriends and wives had blood gushing from their genitalia. Maybe sexual attraction and arousal were acquired tastes. Tastes like you might form for coffee or beer.
                                      And, so, I was determined to teach myself to enjoy my imagined future lover's monthly exsanguination. I started visiting the meat section.
                                      Meat is surprisingly sexual. The pornographic red color of so much of it. The flesh that exists for your pleasure. Chicken breasts and thighs can be fondled without repercussion. Pork chops appeared much like I imagined meaty pussy lips might. Even thick-sliced ham's texture reminded me of how I imagined the inside of a vagina might feel. Slightly uneven, a bit smooth, but still rough enough to provide pleasurable rubbing friction.
                                      I fingered the meats through their condom-like plastic protective coverings. Whole chickens with their interior cavities hollowed out, ready for stuffing. Spread eagle, gaping wide. You can't get much more sexual than that.
                                      Packages of ground beef. The soft-textured yet viscerally red flesh play-dough. I poked holes in the packaging and fingered the horrid mix. I stuck my whole hand in a bulk package of ground beef. And I found myself extremely aroused.
                                      I started using my spare cash to buy near-expiration packages of meat. If no one else was going to love them, I would.
                                      Just about any of the meat products could easily be fashioned into a surrogate vagina or orifice of choice. But my favorites were the ground meats. You could mold them into anything. The first time I fucked a mound of 80/20 ground chuck, I experienced near sensory overload. The obscenely crimson color of the meat, the soft, pliable texture, the sound it made as I gently fucked a hole into it. The wonderful sound of flesh suctioning around my dick. And I owned it. This flesh was mine to abuse and use as I saw fit.
                                      The best part about fucking a mound of ground beef is you can blow a load right into it, mix it back with the rest of the package, and no one's the wiser. Tacos for dinner, hamburgers for lunch.
                                      Alas, my sexual adventure ended when I got an infection. And I learned that most men aren't all that interested in fucking girls when they are menstruating. But my experiment wasn't for naught. I still get a little hard when I drive by a Burger King and smell the beef cooking.

                                      Dr. Banana

                                        I'm getting tired of these smurf, MMR, smurf, 5k, vhs, smurf and MMR prediction posts (oh, I almost forgot about smurf posts too). Seriously the case is simple: If you do not belong at your MMR, you will climb/drop. Ranting about it on forums, sharing conspiracy theories, trying to prove conspiracy theories ain't gonna magically place you in the bracket "where you really belong".

                                        People can flame me for this comment for being off topic as I didn't even read OP's post.


                                          guys ive been asking one question for very long.

                                          how come bots caliberate 4500. they get reported in every game where they play against humans (so low Beh score).
                                          they do nothing. like literally nothing in game ive played against them ,when i play late night, a few times they just stand in the middle and right click if anyone comes close to them. They end up with 4k+ always.

                                          If you want ican dig up old games and give you link of players who bought those acc.

                                          Tento komentář byl upraven


                                            Dr. Banana

                                              You know no matter what people might think I'm happy with my comment. I'm just going to paste it in every vhs, MMR, smurf, MMR prediction, how to get 5k etc. thread.

                                              Edit:Oh I forgot I'm also going to paste it in smurf threads, especially about the multi-smurfing ones.

                                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                Ive seen it, these bots get matches against other bots.

                                                They can artificially create super high stats and just abandon a game

                                                1 bot feeds fb, the rest abandon, then their scores are counted as like 50k+ gpm or what not

                                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                  btw it happens on india server only. perhaps the reason why we all go to SEA to play


                                                    what are these behavior points??


                                                      Yes they play mostly in party of 5 so there is more chance youll get them if you que with friends.

                                                      Dr. Banana

                                                        I don't understand what benefit do I get if some bot gets 4.5k MMR?

                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                          You can load 10 bots into a lobby, balance the shuffle and then all on radiant make a party and leave the lobby, then queue on some low population server with strange lang settings

                                                          Its quite easy

                                                          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                            YOU ABANDONDED THREE FUCKING GAMES IN 24 HOURS?

                                                            Pardon the caps, but those are not smurfs you are getting, but other highly toxic players as well.

                                                            3 abandons, that is 750 taken off your Behavior Score. Yikes.


                                                              Im actually not afraid of bots at all

                                                              The skill of the players in some x bracket wont change if players from lower brackets enter it with bots

                                                              Example if 1-2ks buy so many smurfs, the 4ks will stomp them and increase their mmr

                                                              The 4ks that lost like 10 games in a row because acc buyers in their team will now play the next 10 games against lower and worse 4ks which will bring their mmr back to their orginal value

                                                              So in the end what will happen is 1-3ks will populate 4k and the 4ks move to 5k, and 5ks to 6k and so forth

                                                              And you cant calibrate over 4999 so that creates a blockade for new smurf bot accs

                                                              And 4k will lose value

                                                              But the skill of the old 4ks wont change, but theyll only gain overall extra mmr

                                                              So im fine with bots


                                                                Tell us what your behaviour score was on new account already, after first game and before.

                                                                Johnny Rico

                                                                  I saw one post that seens to lead that it isnt a IP system, since many regions (pinoys) the IP changes all the time, and the smurfers are still put in the "Smurf Bracket", one post a guy said that he uninstalled steam on his machine them after some time made a smurf and logged on a new steam install, he was playing agaisnt very new people, they werent smurfs at all.

                                                                  Its maybe something like a steam install key.

                                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                    its not about skill or calibration. It ruins the game completely. If you abandon there is a chance of getting lp. Tbh its better to caliberate at skill level where people rage the least. i guess 2k-3k will be a good bracket

                                                                    Dr. Banana

                                                                      Why bother doing all this, wasting your time whereas you could be using it to get better? As cookie rightly said, if you're in a bracket where you don't belong, you will climb.


                                                                        I'm still to get my beh. score on my smurf, because I just finished my first game, and it was in high-skill.


                                                                        I guess the next one is probably VHS, but I'll keep you updated.

                                                                        @ others

                                                                        It's not about that. I'm not saying system is holding me down to get 5k or whatever. And I don't coninsider this a waste of time. I just do with my time what I like and that's it.

                                                                        Dr. Banana

                                                                          I just do with my time what I like and that's it.

                                                                          Yes I am sorry about that. It's this community, you know. Turns people bad/j

                                                                          P.S. "/j" means I was joking.

                                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                            All good.

                                                                            Dr. Banana

                                                                              I think we just made history sir.


                                                                                No. It doesn't.

                                                                                BSJ. LGD

                                                                                  1 abandon is roughly -1000 behaviour score


                                                                                    heeeyyyyy u can feed 200 games in a row and be in normal skill @ 1 mmr or some shit and then u play ur first 10 ranked games and shitstomp kids, so it gives u higher mmr with every game and at the end u end up close to the max mmr cap. ez smurfing.



                                                                                      I took me 1 game to get vhs, lul


                                                                                        Yes. Not directly but I have a feeling hardware IDs also play a role.


                                                                                          Played third game and I'm getting into games with 4.5/5k people.

                                                                                          I guess Volvo gave me pretty high starting unranked.