^ Wards are overrated to begin with. They're a waste of gold. That's why I recommend not buying them.
I'm sorry. BUT THIS IS THE GREATEST PLAY EVER FOR A LONG TIME. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlXtgvcVbgI&feature=youtu.be
Salsa. U have to buy at least one at the start of the game so your team doesn't get triggered.
My name is Salza, not whatever this "Salsa" crap is. I do buy a ward, and then I immediately sell it.
or you could buy your unused wards AND courier and drop them within enemy reach
Oh and buy the courier each time it's on cooldown and sell or donate again to the other side
Sometimes satan tells me to buy the couriers and wards at the start of the game and sell them immediately to confuse my team. His name is salsa
rtz goes 322 way too often for my taste
nice flashy plays, too bad you stop farming as sven and go fight against a lineup you cannot fight at all
ez 322
This one universe 4 man chrono from the trees. He just time walked into their hg from the tree fog and chronoed all, it was sick
Here are a few older ones from a while ago.
Meracle Io -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVKdm0FZ6rQ
Also that Korean Sniper Armlet Toggler guy -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qesbPZ8F19c
one of my friends was playing pudge, and he had a blink. we were fighting enemy sf near the dire secret shop, and he was shouting "im gonna hook him, im gonna hook him, guys!" in skype. we were low, the sf was low as well. pudge blinked in, facing the sf.
then he did a quick turnaround and hooked in the direction opposite to sf. ive never seen anything more skilled before, neither after.
well for me is when i use disruptor and enemies are es, tide, magnus, pa, dazzle
(i am on radiant side, and they on dire)
they try to break t2 tower top lane radiant, but then tide dive in for rav, i cast skill 3 and ult instantly when i saw tide blink in, when tide blink to dive in, es and magnus dive in too, they just cant stop it lol. end up 4 heroes trapped inside my ult, meanwhile dazzle too far back there since he dont have blink, end up the enemies team wiped out, and this happen 3 times in that game.
(2 other war i catch only few, like es tide, or tide magnus)
hard to say, from a Normal Skill player many thing are "best moment of skill". Watching Jerax at boston major playing rubick make me cum tbh .
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Is it when your favourite pro player landed an insane blind sunstrike? Or when a support made an insanely well thought-out play to save their carry?
Personally, I think this is one of the best