General Discussion

General DiscussionTwo things I still dont know in Dota 2 after almost 3000 hours

Two things I still dont know in Dota 2 after almost 3000 hours in General Discussion


    some of you may laugh about it, because I don't know how certain things work after so many hours. Of course I could just look it up, but why not discuss it with you so some people who didn't know this get to know it now too!

    How does the bloodstone heal work EXACTLY?

    What's the thing with the reliable gold? I know that it has something to do with the Gold you lose upon on death..but how is it calculated and such?

    Please give a detailed answer and if possible with an example.

    cheers :-)

    Toto téma bylo upraveno
    4pos pudge/grim only

      when u have bloodstone, u can start storing charges in it after getting kills. when u dead or suicide with bloodstone, it will release some healing effect in a certain aoe (i dont remember the size) and the value of healing depend on how many charges you got on the bs when you die. (more charge = more heal)

      reliable gold is gold that u cant never lose. can only get em from midas and one more other source (i also dont remember). thats why some supp go midas because reliable gold is good if you died wayy too much

      4pos pudge/grim only

        about the blood healing, when you died, the healing effect instantly takes effect to the aoe around the death spot (it like someone popped a mek except bs healing doesnt make any sound)


          reliable gold is from kills, roshan, midas, towers, such tings


            things i didnt know until recently, skewer stops tp ( i thought it worked like kotl blast).


              Also does anybody know if Meepo can poof to a Morphling's replicate or hybrid?

              Tento komentář byl upraven

                STahp, dis is my thread! Keep your questions awaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.

                And thanks saQil.

                But what I was also wondering, I once was missing like a 100gold for Buybacka nd I sold my wraith band. I was still missing 100gold and someone said taht it wasnt reliable gold.

                What about items then? Would it have been the same for every other item too?

                Dire Wolf

                  That doesn't really make sense cus the amount of gold you lose on death is constant. It's a function of your level. So you can farm up enough non reliable gold to cover a buyback. Although buyback cost does increase so if you stopped farming after selling, a few minutes later you might not have enough.


                  Scroll to bottom for answers on buyback. When you die it's 30 x your level lost.


                    It does make sense potentially - if wintersun had all reliable gold (unlikely but hey :) ) then selling an item (which gives unreliable gold) wouldn't help in having enough for buyback if the death cost was at least the item value.


                      reiable gold can be lost
                      bloodstone when hero commit suicise he heals alot in 900 aoe i think so its a big heal like chen ulti and stronger


                        just google the answers wtf.


                          A few extra points on reliable gold:
                          Reliable gold cannot be lost upon death.
                          If you buy an item it will take the cost from your unreliable gold first and your reliable gold second.
                          If you buy back from death the buyback cost takes from your RELIABLE gold first and your unreliable gold second.
                          Reliable gold is gained from Hero kills or assists, Roshan, the global tower gold (but not the tower lasthit gold) and from Track and Midas.


                            too complicated.

                            i still dont know how vanguard/crimson works

                            Johnny Rico

                              they block a certain dmg every time someone attacks you, example 100 attack lets say that vang blocks 50 dmg, he will do 50 dmg to you 100-50=50 them that 50-resistances = dmg received

                              General Asim Muneer

                                thing i still dont know... how tf do u share 1 ward

                                Massive Dynamic

                                  @ Casual player, you can poof to meepo illusions, so yes.

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    hold CTRL and click the ward in your inventory, then click the person you want to give it to. Or if you click ground it drops one.

                                    The Medic Guy

                                      how to use cheese on other player? i try click ctrl+click cheese, but i use it. can i give cheese to other player but i am the use use it, like mango?


                                        Honestly you should be asking yourself why do i keep playing this garbage game

                                        Freya 69

                                          Fun fact I learned today is Luna's bouncing glaives do not break Tranqs passive despite being an extension of her physical auto attack.


                                            Dota 2 logic for you ^^

                                            Johnny Rico

                                              Freya, i heard that luna glaves are spell??


                                                Even though I'm a Luna spammer I have no idea how her glaives work