General Discussion

General DiscussionWarlock skil and item build

Warlock skil and item build in General Discussion

    Which is better, slow-heal or fatal-heal?
    Midas or support items?


      fatal is really annoying spell. ive never seen a warlock use slow in early game. not sure how u would use it in the early game. my guess (im not warlock player) is you get fatal + heal first.


        Fatal heal ,midas and suport items


          Dont buy midas if youre pos 5 warlock. Also fatal heal, get a lvl of slow at lvl 5

          doc joferlyn simp

            slow for rune struggles. basic combo is fatal, use heal on anyone, drop rock, use slow


              aghs on warlock is game winning. not sure if midas is necessary. also not sure how'd you farm either midas or aghs as a support warlock.


                Although theoretically not as efficient, I think you should use fatal bonds after your ulti - the range and cast point of your ulti makes the ulti a lot less effective if you telegraph it with a fatal bonds prior to using it. better to heal an ally, ulti, bond, slow imo.


                  Lost my last warlock match. 4k party 2k solo teammates.


                    Warlock is so good,at first games i maxed my slow and it wasnt that good in other game with fatal and heal it is way better(but of course in that game i was a core((kind of))).But you shouldnt care im under 2k shit


                      I always ags first and usually end up with a kill or 2 simply by dropping golems in the middle of fights. That plus a couple towers taken is usually enough. Ags/refresher is aids in the sky

                      I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                        you start by getting your heal up to at least level 2
                        then u see the enemies lineup and your lineup

                        factors favouring max heal
                        -you have a diving front liner
                        -you have a pushing lineup
                        -lots of chip dmg spells on enemy side

                        factors favouring max bonds
                        - good aoe on your team
                        -low range heroes/ heroes that need to get close to the fight to contribute

                        if you max bonds, either 2 heal 4 bonds by 7 or 3 heal 4 bonds by 8

                        you get support items like arc into glimmer/ghost/solar crest/ if your team is a pushing lineup, also very common if you are position 5
                        if you are position 4 you can go midas aghs, or arc mek greeves if you think grouping up as 5 is likely

                        currently 6-2 with wl at 5.5k

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                        Dire Wolf

                          It's like witch dr maxing heal, situation. Sometimes witch dr maxes flask, sometimes maledict, sometimes heal.

                          Freya 69


                            Is the standard build I go. 5 man Fatal Bonds by 6 is more than enough me over until 12 and 300 hp heal/dot is good enough as well. The giant slow comes into play for the team fight phase, Warlock doesn't have much else when his ult is down and both other skills have been used, so yeah. You're GOING to be in CLQ team fights, so if you're not pos 4 Aghs or Mek core, at least give Urn and Wand a good hard look.


                              I always go e first ability it guarantees either first blood or rune depending on the enemy after that just max heal. Greater than 100 warlock games here..
                              Aghs then refresher never seems to fail me.. aim for 30min aghs and 40min refresher as pos 5 mid warlock is also extremely underrated under 20min aghs and then 30min refresher ideally there.

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