General Discussion

General DiscussionWill 6.89 remove my LP

Will 6.89 remove my LP in General Discussion

    I got LP for randoming meepo on accident and having an unlucky loss streak LUL

    one syllable anglo-saxon

      hmm that's actually a great tactic
      every time u get lp just wait for a new patch


        Yeah I'm hoping it does remove my LP because I don't have really have time to punch out like 12 hours of LP right now.. lol


          Don't think it works like that anymore.


            Well, the last big patch was last winter. So yeah many of my smurfs are still waiting for their lp to be removed.


              Does big patches get you out of LP? I've just known about this, if it's true this is good news for me

              rice cake

                so big patch is like jesus?


                  No, its like allahu akbar