General Discussion

General Discussion7.00 Brewmaster Better Or Worst?

7.00 Brewmaster Better Or Worst? in General Discussion

    Well Guys 7.00 Dota 2 Is here and Donald Trump Wants to Know If Brewmaster Is Better Or Worst.

    Well When I looked at His Ablity Tree It "Kind" Of solved Some of His Problems With Mana Regen and Someother stuff So How Do You guys feel about Him Now?

    Player 123655765

      300% damage is way better and 25 mana cost for haze with 40% slow and a 70% miss for all levels. yeah make brewmaster great again.


        He should be back in the meta
        Shittons of buffs


          His ablity Tree Somewhat solves his mana Problems with +3 mana regen But I still get arcane boots with him.

          With His mana buff for drunken haze
          He Might Not Need them anymore and just Go for Phaze and the more Damage

          You Also have the Rework of the Drums Of endurance Not needing a Ring Of regen but a sages mask for more mana I always get the drums as him
          Arcane Boots with him Or Phaze now?

          Freya 69

            Not a fan of Haze becoming single target or lasting only 4 seconds, but cripes is it going to be hard laning against him 1v1 if he has an early Bottle or Basi. I 100% always went Phase anyway; nothing a Wand and Vlads couldn't fix for mana regen. Always in the dead center of it, anyway. Urn or Drum for extra reinforcement and now Drum is slightly better for regen and slightly worse for pool; 100% pick up at any rate in either era.


              Ok thx

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