General Discussion

General Discussionskadi AM

skadi AM in General Discussion

    guys is it good now to go BF - manta then skadi on AM or abyssal is still better?


      of course abyssal would be always your first option, skadi? slow? lul , its situational you can get it if you're team have good disable/ stun of if your enemies have no disable. the stats on it is absolutely good too but its a super late item Skadi<Butterfly and Abyssal


        matna abyssal first, after that you might want aghs if they keep ganking you. skadi is really good on this hero, but so is butter. skadi makes a good 6th item like heart/butter.

        OP backpak abuse you dont have to get BoTs that soon just keep a tp in ur backpack.

        Also you can put your battlefury in your backpack late game and swap it for like BKB or smth for a teamfight, then swap again for pushing.


          Am needs disable and abyssal gives it to him. He doesnt even need it to chase like slark or use it to kite like sniper/tb.


            Need skadi

              Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

                thanks guys , appreciate your help :)
                and what about his talent tree how shall i build him (specially lvl 25)


                  can you skip bf on am now?


                    no, why would you want to? getting max farm and lvl 25 is even more important now.


                      Skadi over butterfly to be honest. I go manta > basher > abys > skadi/AC now. No point in getting butterfly if you get the EVASION talent. You just get moonshard after and you basically have a bootleg butterfly. The kids are so trash @ 4k-5k that they won't even know you have the talent evasion and won't buy MKB unless they see you have butterfly.


                        naw u still go butterfly. skadi just a better item choice to replace heart mayb

                        Putins Price Hike

                          depends who u are vs. heroes with good escape u prob want blade but heroes u can just chase down skadi isnt bad


                            i always buy oov for AM now i can upgrade to skadi


                              Go Aghs on AM, ez gg


                                how about mjollnir guys like bang bang bang