General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it possible this guy is really 5k?

Is it possible this guy is really 5k? in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    So basically this m0ngoloid picked MK, he farmed all game for 400 GPM, barely ever fought with us, never used his ultimate, spammed us to take roshan when we really didn't have damage to (rosh has 15 armor now anyway), spammed his Q to push waves, just so that he doesn't have it for fights.

    I can't believe that this is what a 5k player is, so is there any chance he's an account buyer or something? It's weird enough that we played on EU West, and he's obviously from SEA.

      2k indog monkey

        Either he's an acc buyer, had a REALLY bad day, or high/drunk af


          no thats just 5k mmr skill in SEA, guys like renshin haffy johann etc., its like 1k mmr in eu

          The Medic Guy

            ohoy the TA god is back

            LISAN AL GAIB

              Did you learned your lesson TA guy?

              The Medic Guy

                that móngôloîd obviously account buyer.

                his soloQ normal game in NS bracket with solo rank 5k? LOL

                meteor hammer

                  acc buyer 100%

                  1-IceTea 🌟

                    Account buyer that come from 6K+

                    2k indog monkey

                      "no thats just 5k mmr skill in SEA, guys like renshin haffy johann etc., its like 1k mmr in eu"
                      That means you're admitting you're 600 mmr EU
                      You can't even diss people correctly, what makes you think you can play DOTA2?

                      2k indog monkey

                        20% normal skill winrate :D

                        Riguma Borusu

                          alright, you can even see at what point he bought the account


                            no thats just 5k mmr skill in SEA, guys like renshin haffy johann etc., its like 1k mmr in eu


                            Kill yourself in the name...

                              pignoy confirmed maybe he was lagging.

                              Riguma Borusu

                                oh no I summoned diox

                                Lets do Science

                                  I don't see how a 5k manages to lose normal skill unranked games unless he's literally trying to lose.

                                  2k indog monkey

                                    Just noticed he thinks Haffy and Johann are 2 different guys

                                    2k indog monkey

                                      A lagging pignoy would just stay at base, autoattack people in teamfight, reconnect every 3 minutes, and talk about it in teamchat while saying sorry repeatedly


                                        definatly account buyer, but who gives a fuck


                                          I've had a 5.2k russian veno in my team last game he went 7-19 or something he didn't even buy wards, the only wards he had were his own posion wards.

                                          Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                            How bout this? I played before ex 6k player (now only 5.4k) and he play very bad for his mmr.


                                            261 matches in last 6 months, 28% winrate.
                                            Normal skill winrate: 22%
                                            High skill: 40%
                                            Very High: 26%

                                            Ranked games winrate in last 6 months: 22% (97 games)

                                            Account buyers are ruining the game


                                              "Account buyers are ruining the game"


                                              But now we have a new shiny hero and a new shiny hud and map and talents

                                              Tento komentář byl upraven
                                              2k indog monkey

                                                Yes account buyers are annoying
                                                But then again, what can Valve do about it?


                                                  Bots are used to calibrate high 4.5k + accounts. Then sold.

                                                  He bought one of those for sure

                                                  Potato Marshal

                                                    How the fuck do you lose that many normal skill matches in unranked after playing over 4000 matches? I would think at this point he would've managed to calibrate back to his actual skill level.

                                                    Potato Marshal


                                                      100% account buyer, his winrate plummets at the exact time he goes from Europe West servers to SEA servers.