General Discussion

General Discussionck very good atm

ck very good atm in General Discussion

    Hero reworked for a bit, added agh, he is amazingly strong hero all the time but now also increased his WR, how you play him? Best items? Ideas? I had a couple games with him as io and we mostly winning.

    meteor hammer

      treads armlet echo sabre heart manta

      you can try domi at some point as well, pushing item + pushing hero

      Tommy Gor

        For me the best item is purchase Power Treads because Chaos Knight need attack speed to proc his third skill. After that purchase Armlet of Mordiggian for more attack speed , damage and strength so that chaos knight can be powerful in early game and fight at early till mid game. The next item should be manta style unless the enemy have aoe hero. The next item will be your own choice depend on situation.

        basement :)

          Now that I think about it, CK support is much more viable now. Buy AGHS on CK and copy the carry.


            Yeah support viable for sure, its just so weird for me, we do echo, deso, satanic when im on io helping ck and it works, you have -13 armor he hit hard as fuck than and getting AS from overcharge....really nice combo - always was but now i feel its stronger, manta is nice but usually prefer other items as satanic which give you another 75dmg,


              You're wasting like 4000 gold for -7 armor for illusions and makes your actual hero more distinguishable when you fight with phantasm
              If you're really desperate for minus armor, solar crest and AC exists
              CK scales by stats and his illusions DOES NOT BENEFIT FROM RAW DAMAGE AT ALL
              Otherwise CK would be picked every game and rushes rapier


                Treads is a no brainer
                Armlet was good and nearly mandatory on CK, now it's even better and a must buy with the lifesteal of crit
                Echo sabre is cheap and helps your DPS alot
                Drums are good
                Halbert is dead, fuck that item
                SnY is also dead, so SnY->halbert and manta is not that good
                Manta is situational, depends on the aoe control from the enemy
                HoT is late-game go to
                Skadi is good
                Satanic is okay but not that good (illusions dont benefit from its lifesteal after all)
                Ultra lategame maybe butterfly

                Riguma Borusu

                  1) You can easily get a deso when you are snowballing really hard and just want to close a game (pt armlet deso)
                  2) It's 3500 gold, good god, not 4000, it's 2016
                  3) You can't solar crest a building, also AC is 1750 gold more, which is 1/2 of a deso
                  4) If you kill people fast enough they won't be able to kill you anyway, also you can remove 14 armor off a target with just deso and rift level 4 and then just destroy buildings
                  5) Illusions don't benefit from raw damage, but they benefit from -armor, you also have to realize that deso on just the main hero is already efficient because 50 damage scales really well with -14 armor anyway, also if you get it early enough you won't actually be squishy compared to similarly leveled heroes
                  6) I hope you realize phantasm doesn't have a 100% uptime (actually quite far from it), and you won't always be able to fight with it
                  7) Why the fuck do you believe it's relevant which the real one is, it almost never is, armlet will give you away anyway, so you're just saying dumb fucking shit, deso will barely even point out the right one, and considering that armlet is core on the hero, even talking about this is meaningless
                  8) You said deso is not good because it a part of it doesn't benefit your illusions, but then you suggested echo sabre (which is actually decent even if it works only partially), what's up with that logic?
                  9) All being said, there are better items than deso, for sure, both in theory and practice, but your reasoning for why that's so is retarded

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                  Potato Marshal

                    AC is great on CK now that attack speed effects illusions. Still think he should be build with the standard treads into echo and armlet, followed by late game items like heart, skadi, and/or manta.


                      Manta after armlet is bad. Ive done it before but ck doesnt have the mana to support it. Jd's build is a perfect one, and late game u can stack skadi's or hearts. Fit in bkb if needed, and ac as well. Butterfly also seems ok, but never tried it. I think late game u want at least one mana regen item, like linkens, or bloodthorn or something. Ck can now farm much better with reworked crit. Its nothing insane, but it helps a lot, and he can fight well too. It seems his mana is the only thing holding him back, and echo covers his early and mid game. But ideally late game u want to replace it with something more impactful, especially on a hero so strong late game.


                        No his reasoning is sound, u make out ck like some early/mid game tempo beast like pa who uses early deso to just wipe face. But deso costs a lot for the little effect it gives. If u rush it u lack to mana to even use rift more than 2 times after ulti and stun. And thats assuming ur full mana. U cud take that 3500 gold and put it in an armlet for a total of 9 armor when active, 25 strength when active (with ulti thats 100 dmg with 3 illusions given u have lvl 2 ulti when u first buy it) and it gives hp, the ability to survive, a good build up with helm of iron will. U even have money to spare, for part of an echo sabre which will solve ur early game mana problems. Deso isnt theoretically bad, it is just horribly ineffecient and doesnt suit the playstyle of a ck.

                        Potato Marshal

                          Deso isn't good mainly because armlet and echo are way better mid-game items for CK. And it's a complete waste to fill CK's inventory with 2-3k gold items only to sell one of them later for a heart.

                          Tento komentář byl upraven
                          Riguma Borusu

                            Why the fuck do you think I'd go power treads into deso? When I said it's viable I didn't mean to rush it like a 1k antimage who goes quelling blade into battlefury without boots or stout shield, jesus.

                            Playstyle of CK is focused on killing people and pushing towers, and deso helps with that. If you get a good fight off and are ahead enough, you can just go and do it. CK has a few really early peaks which he can abuse to actually end the games early, somewhat like huskar.

                            I guess in 1k people don't know how to fill up their inventory with cheap and cost effective items and end games in 18 minutes, so w/e. It's an all-in item for sure, but sometimes you want that. There's no item that'd let you push as fast as deso, for 3500 gold, with your team.

                            In 99% games though you'll go the safe build, tank up, kill people and push towers anyway, using a proper build aimed towards CK's strengths.

                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                              Guys dragon lance is very good on CK because he scales with stats
                              Well for sure deso isn't horribly bad like vlad (lul 1k CKs lul) but the cases where it is worth getting is so small I won't even bother considering it
                              If I want to end fast I would just get drums or a casual blight stone


                                Btw to deal with evasion heroes would you guys buy MKB or bloodthorn?
                                Both are dogshit on CK tho

                                Riguma Borusu

                                  Guys dragon lance is very good on CK because he scales with stats

                                  I'm pretty sure dragon lance(s) would be core on CK if he could farm even remotely as fast as meepo.

                                  meteor hammer

                                    deso ck is beyond trash

                                    Potato Marshal

                                      I'd honestly just build CK as usual and brute force it against evasion heroes. Just pray and hope enough of my illusions land their hits and crit.

                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                        I usually go armlet>treads>sangyash>heart usually got the heart in 30 minute mark,i have mana issues with the build tho


                                          Good items for CK that helps with his mana problem
                                          -echo sabre
                                          - M A N G O ! ! ! ! !


                                            Wait armlet before treads what the actual fuck

                                            Riguma Borusu

                                              ^maybe he thinks he gets boots first and then completes treads after armlet which is done sometimes

                                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                I'd get treads first 99% of the time tho
                                                The tread switch benefit is too good to pass up

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                                                      Echo is a good transition item, it gives strength for more illusion dmg, and u can use it to get more hits in to proc crit. U rnt going to go armlet heart, u will be running around with 3000 gold and no items to help u keep up tempo.


                                                        As ck i think vlads/drums/medallion aghs is the build. Maybe get vlads before aghs always. Not sure.

                                                        4pos pudge/grim only

                                                          have anyone play the bot game and the bot ck try building drum with the old recipe (ring of regen instead of sobi mask) ffs


                                                            I wud go bloodthorn. Tbh it isnt bad as a 5th or 6th item kinda like how sven gets it for pickoffs. Also bloodthorn gives mana, good replacement for echo, even gives attack speed which translates to illusions etc. Btw do the illusions get the crit lifesteal off of ck's new crit?


                                                              Bot sven build is groundbreaking tho
                                                              1313141 so gud wow

                                                              4pos pudge/grim only

                                                                btw i do hate vlad vlad on ck. it doesnt give too much (lifesteal and mana regen from basi is good but still underwhelming) and even you need lifesteal u should just go to satanic later in the game. idk why im seeing so many vlad on ck and pl in this normal bracket games.

                                                                edit: damn daddy. you should stated it for the support ck. then vlad is okay i guess

                                                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                  Yes they also have lifesteal


                                                                    CK vlads is fine as a support
                                                                    But nigguhs play CK as carry, but farms like a support anyway

                                                                    4pos pudge/grim only

                                                                      bot sven try to make dominator with morbid+helm of iron will. ffs is it fixed yet???


                                                                        BOT WALKS AROUND WITH COURIER ON THEIR ASS
                                                                        AND THEY CONTROL IT WITH 1000 APM


                                                                          brown boots-> arc-> aether-> drums/vlads->aghs


                                                                            isnt aghs viable on core ck? He'll have ulti off cd every fight


                                                                              just read the details. on second thought, since the cd reduction is only 20 secs, aghs shit on core ck.

                                                                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                20 seconds off isnt rbough and the stats r horribly cost ineffecient. Also as ck support imo u just go pushing items, or u rush aghs. As a support u dont rlly need anything, so u can go point booster aghs, but only if u have a carry that works well with illusions. Dont rush aghs if u have a huskar or some shit. Sorry shudda said support ck my bad.


                                                                                  Tbh you'd only want to pick CK as a support if your teammates' hero/heroes works well with illusions, so agh is the go-to build on supp CK
                                                                                  If your teammates happens to be retarded and pick shits like OD, huskar, etc you can always fall back to the arcane aether urn whatever build

                                                                                  Freya 69

                                                                                    My first Agh CK game was with a farmed AM. Boy, did our enemies not enjoy that one. Unfortunately, that was also the very first server crash since 7.00 release so I can't show it to the world, but it was there. CK Aghs for me = let another heavy core farm while you roam-gank-support with Arcanes/Drum/Vlads kind of team fight centric battle build. Switch Drum out for HotD and pick up a Frostmage for an extra 8 frost armor on each team mate for more sustain. 12 extra armor on a support is god tier potential.