General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
lm ao


    long time no shitposting


      The end of an era


        But cen it chaeng lightbulb?????



          D the Superior
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            lm ao

              its shitpost-suggesting interative thread, im waiting for you to shitpost something to start arguing about it
              flaming/mmr elitism/diox's hero discussions are all welcome, too


                pinoy dogo going crazy

                lm ao


                    Magnus shaming all weebs but deep down he also enjoys the same shit he so vocally detests.


                      Tyrone cennot chaeng lightbulb toh


                        COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL

                        lm ao

                          All we need are dank memes


                            I was only 9 years old I loved shrek so much, I had all the merchandise and movies I pray to shrek every night before bed thanking him for the life I've been given. Shrek is love I say, Shrek is life My dad overhears me and calls me a f@ggit I knew he was just jealous of my devotion for Shrek I called him a count He slaps me and sends me to go to sleep Im crying now, and my face hurts I lay in bed and its really cold A warmth is moving towards me. I feel something touch me Its shrek I am so happy He whispers in to ear "this is my swamp He grabs me with his powerful ogre hands and puts me on my hands and knees I'm ready I spread my ass cheeks for Shrek He penetrates my butthole It hurts so much but I do it for Shrek I can feel my butt tearing as my eyes start to water I push against his force I want to please Shrek He roars a mighty roar as he fills my butt with his love My dad walks in Shrek looks him straight in the eye and says "Its all ogre now" Shrek leaves through my window Shrek is love, Shrek is life

                            The Medic Guy

                              PogChamp AMPTropPunch Only the chosen one can stack these cans!! PogChamp AMPTropPunch but wait can you do three cans!!!!! PogChamp PogChamp AMPTropPunch Cant stop there, 4 cans now! lets do it!!!!!!!! PogChamp AMPTropPunch You cant stack cans like the can master!!! PogChamp AMPTropPunch What about six? Is that too many? No way!!!!! AMPTropPunch NotLikeThis


                                My Nana is still a looker, even at eighty. Whenever I bathe her in the driveway, I'm always impressed by her sinewy physique. I'll be like "Nana you're ripped bro" and she'll be like "nothing but clean living and good genes" then I'll be like "clean living? You ain't been sober an entire day since Nixon was still on the teet" and she'll be like "you'd drink too if you had such a shitty family" and I'll be like "maybe if you didn't have so much side wang pop-pop wouldn't have moved to Reno" and she'll be like "he moved to Reno because Schenectady was getting overrun with Mexicans" and I'll be like "Nana that's racist" then she'll say "then why don't you move there." This goes on until I'm done hosing her off, at which point I take her back inside, but her in front of a TV playing Diagnosis: Murder reruns, and give her a box of wine with a straw. Old people need the routine.


                                  One time my mother called me a son of a bitch, so I hit her because no one talks trash about my mother, then I hit myself because no one hits my mother, she then hit me because no one hits her son and then hit herself because no one hits me, so I hit her because no one hits my mother. cant stop me


                                    Do you speak english?



                                    -10 to 15 times a week

                                    No I mean male or female?

                                    -Yes,male,female, sometimes camel

                                    Holy cow!

                                    -Yes cow,sheep etc basically animal

                                    But isn't that hostile?

                                    -Horsestyle,doggystyle other style too

                                    Oh dear..!

                                    -No,deer run too fast

                                    < blank >

                                      What is this fake ass shit


                                        I've seen this copypasta at least 53 times before, I know I counted every single one, I have a photographic memory. I see it pasted everywhere by low life unoriginal fucking shit cucks such as yourself. And you know what, it isn't funny. I didn't even giggle. I didn't even smile a little bit. NOT EVEN A FUCKING LITTLE BIT. I am dead inside when I read your memes, and I have to listen to Evanescence to wake me up inside again. I hate this meme bullshit, more than I hate that shitty meme. You're probably like "memes are so funny le wow xDDD". Fucking shitty meme copying freaking plebeian. How do you live with yourself? Being so mentally deficient that you are physically incapable of an single original thought, that you have to copy paste shitty internet memes? How sad. How pathetic. Why don't you kys? If I were you, I'd honestly kill myself right now. You think you can just spam that stupid shit and pass it as a 'meme'. LOL you're a deadset fucking mentally deficient cuck.


                                          I sexually Identify as Magnus son of Spunki, father of Aimstronk and brother of TripleSteal. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of shitposting spicy memes on dotabuff and spreading my love of furries and sergals to world. I tried spreading the news about me becoming Magnus to the People of Gotvet city but they told to me that a person being Magnus is Impossible and I'm fucking cancer to the society but I don't care, I'm sexy the way I am. I'm having a plastic surgeon replace my skin with feathers and I have already rip off my mouth and replaced it with a beak. Me and my best friend,Trump have already argeed to build a wall to prevent weebs from entering.Soon i can be one with Magnus and there's no one that can stop me unless you're a Nazi mod sent by Hilter.If you can't accept me you're a citizen of the city of Gotvet and need to check your brain for autism. Thank you for being so understanding.

                                          Edit: FeelsKittyMan

                                          Tento komentář byl upraven
                                          D the Superior
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                                              Dogolino i accidentally took your phone. Here let me give it back to you

                                              ┃  ● ══  █ ┃
                                              ┃█ u adopted. █┃
                                              ┃█ -mom&dad █┃
                                              ┃   ○    ┃

                                              lm ao

                                                fugggg :'(


                                                  ayy lmao - new era

                                                  lm ao

                                                    lm ao

                                                      Nice photo without any context

                                                      lm ao

                                                        And some weird forced meme about elevator music revival with low-ripped quality


                                                          How to avoid the parking fine in 2K16

                                                          lm ao

                                                            Okay now that I'm done, this thread is going to see greatness


                                                              This thread is like my dick. Starts of hard but eventually becomes flaccid over time.

                                                                Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem
                                                                lm ao


                                                                    I was only 9 years old I loved shrek so much, I had all the merchandise and movies I pray to shrek every night before bed thanking him for the life I've been given. Shrek is love I say, Shrek is life My dad overhears me and calls me a f@ggit I knew he was just jealous of my devotion for Shrek I called him a count He slaps me and sends me to go to sleep Im crying now, and my face hurts I lay in bed and its really cold A warmth is moving towards me. I feel something touch me Its shrek I am so happy He whispers in to ear "this is my swamp He grabs me with his powerful ogre hands and puts me on my hands and knees I'm ready I spread my ass cheeks for Shrek He penetrates my butthole It hurts so much but I do it for Shrek I can feel my butt tearing as my eyes start to water I push against his force I want to please Shrek He roars a mighty roar as he fills my butt with his love My dad walks in Shrek looks him straight in the eye and says "Its all ogre now" Shrek leaves through my window Shrek is love, Shrek is life