General Discussion

General DiscussionHey guys I dare you.

Hey guys I dare you. in General Discussion

    Watch the first 20 minutes of this game and tell me that I'm the reason we lost.

    Can't wait for your responses.

    casual gamer

      sick build man

      casual gamer

        its a shame those shitcan 7ks are holding you back from your winnings in the next TI

        not arin


            Medallion/Solar Crest is literally the best item you can get on an early drow, because of this I could solo kill weaver all the time, without this item we would've had way less kills, everyone has his own build anyways, apart from talking about my build I don't think there's anything else left for you to judge me on apart from your jokes that make no sense at all.

            Tento komentář byl upraven
            not arin

              Riguma Borusu

                Why do you care about winning/losing a single game so much, and what are you trying to prove? You'll get retards a lot of times, you'll do well, and you'll still lose (sometimes if you're the most 'ahead' person in the team you can lose the game that you would've won if you had better decisions, too).


                  I'm not trying to prove anything here, I'm just really interested what I'm gonna be blamed one this time considering my last thread had 4 people feed the shit out of their lanes and it was my fault because I picked Pudge, now I went carry and whole team fed again (as usual) I'm really surprised now what this time the reason is gonna be that I lost my game.

                  Tento komentář byl upraven
                  not arin

                    casual gamer



                        Exactly my thought, there's really nothing else for you to say so better say ''XD"', pretty much proves my point here.


                          2k building damage on drow...

                          ...its your fault


                            Listen. You cant control ur teammates. So the only logical person to blame for any loss is you. You are in every game u won and every game u lost, the reason that any match goes to victory or defeat is you. There is no point in blaming ur teammates, it accomplishes nothing, gets u no where.

                            not arin

                              the last hit counter is even funnier
                              bet that was a roaming mirana too


                                So the only logical person to blame for any loss is you

                                This is the most retarded thing I've ever heard in my fucking life lmfao so if 4 people feed it's all your fault?

                                L O L dude my head is about to explode.


                                  Yes. I guess i used the wrong word in blame, but the only person to critisize is u because ur the only person who u control. If u just critisize everyone else, no matter how justified, u wont get anywhere. If u blame urself and see what u did wrong, no matter how small (tho i doubt it will be small no one here is a perfect player) then u can actually work to climb up.

                                  not arin

                                    killer queen has already touched his ancient

                                    casual gamer

                                      ur a god

                                      can u coach me? need help 4 road to 6k

                                      ive already changed my drow build to medallion sny in honor of your skills


                                        But If I played to the fullest, I played very good I did my best, I was the only one with positive KDA, good farm everything and my team fed, enemy carries got fed, they got way ahead than me, they had full map control while I'm sitting in base trying to kill the creeps that are pushing my t3 tower and I can't go farm anywhere else since they have wards everywhere and full map control I should be blaming me? Because that's basically what you've said as you said I can't control other players meaning I can't fix their mistakes so I should just accept the loss because of the retarded team I just got.

                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                          JDF8 as I said apart from the build you would hop onto making jokes that make absolute no sense and the only one that finds it funny is probably only you because if you didn't find it funny you probably wouldn't say it either unless you're retarded but I'm not sure haven't decided yet but you're almost there. I literally read you out as a book but what else can I expect from those 5k god tier players.

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                                          not arin

                                            no but then you should be gaining mmr consistently, but you don't
                                            gee i wonder why noone bothers to take you seriously and follow you in discussion when you lack basic reasoning skills


                                            not arin

                                              not arin


                                                  we all have these games sometimes, where ur team holds u back slightly LUL


                                                  can't remember more atm but I have over 50 games like this and some that are much worse. Not a whole lot u can do bout that. Miracle would have won them XD


                                                    Well maybe u cudnt counter push from behind cuz u had medallion sny instead of maelstrom aghs? U r not a perfect player and there is something that u did wrong. U rnt seeing it, but that doesnt mean it isnt there. I may be wrong abt what ur mistake is, but if IS there u just have to find it. There is ALWAYS something you could have done to win. ALWAYS.

                                                    not arin

                                                      delet this


                                                        I couldn't counter push because they were fed, simple, at 15 minute mark we were 3-17 or something, with me being 2-0-1 1 guy 0-3 other 0-3 other 1-5 and some other guy 0-5, they took all t1 towers and were working on t2 towers, jungle was already a dangerous place if I would push a lane I would definitely get killed so I just played it safe, there's definitely mistakes on my part but I am DEFINITELY NOT the reason why we lost this game, if there's 4 people feeding then that's not your fault and you shouldn't be blamed.

                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                          Im not saying ur the sole cause of losing. Im saying from ur perspective blaming others achieves nothing. Im saying that you shouldnt focus on anyone elses mistakes but yours. U CANT CONTROL THEM. If they did something (or many things) wrong it doesnt make you better if u just blame them.

                                                          not arin


                                                              low twr dmg


                                                                Maybe you could have taken towers while they fed. Maybe you could have turned their ganks or help to prevent ur teammates from feeding. Maybe you could have purchased items that rnt completely useless. Figure it the fuck out and fix it.


                                                                  hey guys my juggernaut held me back reall bad HJELP!


                                                                    But I'm only focusing on my self? I only focus on my team after game is over and scoreboard rolls in that we lost due to people feeding.

                                                                    No shit I have low tower damage? Have you seen the end map result? top 1 tower standing and bottom still 2 towers standing which basically means we could never get there in the first place, I could barely get to the river after 15 minutes mark when they're fed and they have map control you expect me to just walk in and push towers solo like it's nothing rofl, the early kills that we got was thanks to me because indeed I did turn ganks to prevent my team from feeding but that was after I got level 6 and at that point it was 3-17 already.

                                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                      just remember that drow is not a morphling or am and u cant push towers alone in the dark guys

                                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                        ^ Can u believe it a 5k player that actually isn't a retard but actually says things that make sense and has actual knowledge of the heroes and what their abilities are instead of saying random shit that maybe would fit if I played some other hero with escape abilities or something else.

                                                                        Hats off my man.

                                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                          Dude, u shud not focus on team mistakes in game or out of game. If climbing is what u r after ur wasting ur time pointing out their mistakes. Im not suggesting anything specific cuz im not a high mmr player so im not as good at suggesting lines of play. But i can suggest lines of analysis, and u shud only analyze urself. Just dont bother with ur team.


                                                                            I've been stuck on the same mmr the past year, it doesn't really matter what I do, I've improved dramatically over the past year yet I'm sitting at the same mmr and I can safely tell that's far from my fault.


                                                                              It is your fault. The system isnt out to put every leaver, feeder or account buyer on your team. The enemy is just as likely to have a team made up just the same way.

                                                                              Also curious why you didnt feel your teammates needed your damage aura


                                                                                Coming from a normal skill smurf that spams 1 hero to get his mmr up and says ''its your fault'' because he's heard multiple times that people that blame others are the ones that lost the game.

                                                                                Once again you prove that you have no knowledge whatsoever and because you've seen pro players go 1-1-4-1 at level 7 you think this is the only build to go, I really am not even gonna bother explaining to you what you shouldn't max your aura first.

                                                                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                  Well the reason your not climbing is very very obvious now, cuz u think ur better than everyone with some sort of superiority complex, and putting your energy in flaming ur team. If u spent all the time u did on this thread on improving u wud be 100x better off. I cant change ur retarded mindset so good day and fuck you


                                                                                    I've never said I'm better than everyone but if you look at my games where I lost you can clearly see that I was the only one doing good, I don't put my energy in flaming considering I never flame really, I used to but not anymore, pce out buddy.


                                                                                      Clearly the system is out to get you since every other 7k player has never been matched with an account buyer or feeder before

                                                                                      These threads are terrible

                                                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                        I've made fun of you and now you're mad, I understand.


                                                                                          Not really. Ill admit that a lot of games are unwinnable for whatever reasons and this might have been one of them. When you sulk over your teammates or obsess over these games that is what holds you back.

                                                                                          Also you ask people what you could have done better, they tell you and you argue with them. Youre worse than aids


                                                                                            Alright my 2k spamming smurf friend.


                                                                                              Why do you post these threads? Serious question. Nobody wants to actually help you because all you are is a raging asshole


                                                                                                You went from asking questions about drow ranger to now being pretty mad and telling me I'm aids, nobody wants to help me, I am raging asshole what's next my 2k spamming smurf friend? You came in here with big smile and now you're mad as fuck, see how things can turn pretty quickly if you're a clueless 2k player, have you ever heard this phrase? Low skill in game, low skill in brain, it applies to you.

                                                                                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                                  my team holds me back too


                                                                                                    This is what i hate abt you:
                                                                                                    Low skill in game, low skill in brain, it applies to you.
                                                                                                    Please never use this phrase again it actually makes me want to kill myself


                                                                                                      It's literally the best phrase I've ever came up with.