General Discussion

General DiscussionAre roamers OP this patch?

Are roamers OP this patch? in General Discussion


    you pick roaming hero, ganks fail, you have no farm or levels and you feed entire game


    you pick roaming hero, ganks fail, but you grab bounty runes, buy midas, and end up being relevant anyway



      sure man


        Roaming supports are amazing tbh, definitely game winners in my opinion.

        Riguma Borusu

          ye roaming got buffed big time, especially for roamers who can clear a camp or two

          also, shrines help roamers dependent on mana not have to go to base every time, while they're the ones who control ganks and map pressure, which means they should have the upper hand in most scenarios

          however, messing with level 1 junglers is much harder due to shrines and new map size, among other things

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            Roamers are the only supports that do anything right now. Static lane supports are just horrible. It's impossible to pull, impossible really harass the offlaners because of the shrine bullshit and you can't use your free time stacking camps either. It's just bad in every aspect, if you are not constantly getting kills on the offlaner.

            M U R D E R

              Pulling is possible wtf? But yeah if you wanna supp good you kinda have to roam.

              Riguma Borusu

                ^yeah it's possible but with the prevalence of strong dual lanes, it's not worth it, every pull will be contested, so it's not worth it (also you can't pull as often anymore, so you should probably just try to kill people in lanes they don't expect you in).


                  my winrate remained the same, and im playing roamers most of the time

                  Tento komentář byl upraven
                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    Pulling is possible, but it's bad. It's much harder to chain-pull now and the camps won't be stacked most of the time. Also the hard camp is very easy for the offlaner to contest and they will have fucking highground advantage as well.

                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                      what do you even do now with supports

                      if i were a support spammer like kitrak i'd be super mad because all that learning of what to do when just went out of the window

                        Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

                          Is it still possible to chain pull?

                          I find that stacking the small camp at the 55 second mark is pretty vital if you want to pull because obviously single pulling with an unstacked camp just makes things worse. And if you miss the 55 second stack you cant stack again till 2:55


                            every patch have its "winning strat"..
                            -ti1 AM, Alchemist and gyro dominate (late game)
                            -ti4 natures/ death prophet, rhasta, lycan dominate (rat doto)
                            -ti5 fighting dominates ursa, slark, terrorblade, dragon knight (early-min carrys)
                            -now its time for snowball to dominate..

                            IMO roamers are not OP, but get GREATLY buffed, so they are the winning ones now..


                              Mirana is the best roamed this patch.

                              Johnny Rico

                                they are just gud, and mirana is shit roamer compared with heroes like night stalker, riki, bounty.

                                peaceminusone ;)

                                  Dont pick Potm That hero is bad. unles u go mid

                                    Tento komentář byl smazán

                                      riki is good, spirit breaker/mirana roam is alright as well


                                        mirana is so bad as pos 4 that she cant be refered to as a roamer

                                        u roam with riki, bh, pudge, earthspirit, mb ogre mage, mb kunkka, mb spirit breaker. not with mirana, for gods sake.

                                          Tento komentář byl smazán

                                            only if you are a 6k trash in an underpopulated region with both major quals won by teams from other continents that played with 100-150 ping

                                              Tento komentář byl smazán

                                                .... are you serious lol, you pull at the back camp by the t2, then pull the same wave again when it gets to the t1 tower... its actually easier and safer


                                                  + since anyone can clear the radiant medium camp twice in the first 2 minutes without taking damage. And all you need is a quelling blade. Yeah, roaming is broken.

                                                    Tento komentář byl smazán

                                                      NA is dogshit, you should realize and accept that. NA is wayyyy to underpopulated in comparison to other servers. Just stop crying please, thanks.


                                                        it's quite awkward to see you getting defensive so quickly :-)


                                                          insecurity leads to aggressive reaction

                                                          the whole na dota was dominated by a team which had NS as its former player, what are you even talking about

                                                            Tento komentář byl smazán

                                                              ur theorycrafting and game understanding remains as narrow as it has always been and is comparable to high 2k-low 3k lvl


                                                                nobody is saying that eu > na, but that na = eu and thus eu > na

                                                                  Tento komentář byl smazán

                                                                    i get that ur 5.7k mmr which makes u higher mmr than other people on this forum but that doesnt mean u get to say shit thats objectively wrong

                                                                    anyway, thats beside the point, ur both like 1.5k-2k mmr below me and u have no competitive udnerstanding whatsoever so just stop spewing ur stupid "eu>na haha lul!"

                                                                    ur both like 2k mmr below me give or take a few hundred mmr and u have 0 competitive experience. even putting that aside, fucking jerax did this a week ago and won so ur both 100% delusional

                                                                    youre still very fucking AWFUL since ure a NA player


                                                                      they are just trolling u i believe sir kitrak

                                                                        Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

                                                                          5k is the new 4K. There is a reason high level players (legit high level players) talk shit about 5ks every stream


                                                                            ^are you retarded? every person on this world talks shit about people which are 2k under their mmr.
                                                                            6ks are talking shit about 4ks, 7ks about 5ks, 8ks about 6ks, thats just natural and doesnt have to do with anything you believe it has


                                                                              soon i can be a 5k trash myself PogChamp


                                                                                @raptured no shit. But mmr has inflated dumbass 2 years ago there was no 7k 8k or 9k. But now the legit good players have gotten to those mmrs. High high mmr players think 5ks are a joke, and they think the same for anything under 5k. I gave my input to the argument in this thread.

                                                                                basement :)

                                                                                  @Promo code: CLQ, those players are better now. They are not the same 5k player they were 2 years ago.


                                                                                    I like how high mmr autists always substantiate their opinions/statements/claims without any explanation other than I'm higher mmr than you therefore I am right.

                                                                                    Fuck your credentials. Fuck the way you argue. This is not how u contribute to a discussion. Provide more reasons for something other than "a pro won with it" and "I'm better than you so I'm right".

                                                                                    Holy fucking shit. How did u guys get through university with this level of intelligence?


                                                                                      Don't just say someone is wrong. And then cause a landslide of butt hurt by insulting each other. Jesus. Learn how to fucking discuss something objectively.



                                                                                        skill at mmr level is the same as 2 years ago, people back then were just playing worse in general. and inflation is only true for 7k+ since at 7k the difference in skill compared to 8k is rather small

                                                                                          Tento komentář byl smazán

                                                                                            Yea I mean that's my point. If u say something is garbage. Explain. If u want to say something is not garbage. Explain as well. Then maybe this forum will be a nicer place even for high mmr plebs

                                                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                                                              @Jacked: Explaining something to someone who is much worse than you, and tries to argue with you is absolutely pointless.

                                                                                              I have a 1k friend who tried to argue for a ton of stupid shit, which wouldn't be bad if he'd stop if shown otherwise. He'll stay 1k forever with that attitude.

                                                                                              If you say that something is garbage, and a professional player can utilize that, then you're wrong. If a hero is viable in pro play, you can rest assured it's absolutely viable in dumpster tier MMR games, it just takes a suitable player to play it. There are heroes that are really bad right now, but you can still pick them in subhuman MMR brackets and go 44-0-3 with 50k hero damage every game.

                                                                                              As for explaining things - you have to realize that there are people of all skill brackets on dotabuff, and just 'explaining' things out into the air does nothing, because you need to tailor your reply to bracket. It's like asking your professor to explain integrals to you, and yet you don't know how addition and variables work. A person who grasps those concepts is going to need less explaining.

                                                                                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                                but these people are, by dota definition, not stupid because they belong to the top 1%

                                                                                                i doubt that they wont be able to understand what the other is saying

                                                                                                  Tento komentář byl smazán

                                                                                                    I meant mmr inflation has people who are 5k that would normally be 4K. My other acc is 4K with I want to say 53 wr in ranked, but I'll come by other smurfs with under 40% winrate in ranked, giving mmr to anybody who isn't on the other team. The calibration limit is 4.9k so I strongly believe those 7k and up are the real good players, those are the ones who have legit won 2000 mmr points by completely dominating.


                                                                                                      7k players are good, yea. how good they are individually isnt an mmr thingthough - some of them like ritsu, bulba, or mason are significantly better than, say, hfn, lanaro, or ifrit, yet the first three are all lower mmr than the last 3


                                                                                                        @nom. I read and understood kitrak's analysis just fine. you don't need to be 7k to understand an argument. You don't need to be a professor to understand what a phd is saying. Anyway It isn't rocket science.

                                                                                                        What lower mmr ppl don't have is the game sense to know what really matters. But this is for the sake of discussion. sure if a 1k is just stubborn then it is pointless to discuss. But that goes for any 5k who is just stubborn and close-minded.