General Discussion

General DiscussionThat bounty runes new location

That bounty runes new location in General Discussion

    I dont think it was a good idea to give bounty runes to both sides so that they didnt quarrel over it at the start of the game (it was thus, wasn't it?). I mean some heroes (and players) still can get and insolent and go to snatch enemy rune AND kill someone in the process. I know it's such a petty issue BUT it really affects those easy-to-tilt jackassssses who write "gg we lost, great start" and go afk. Am I wrong?

    one syllable anglo-saxon

      didn't read

      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

        ^ OP thinks people don't fight for start-runes anymore.

        Tento komentář byl upraven

          Wait, what? Play with 5, carry to safelane bounty, 4 to enemy safelane bounty, contest. Hopefully your mid take theirs, give the offlane bounty to whoever wants it (offlane or supp, preferably since your mid goes to lane)

          You've secured 300 gold advantage that way

          Or at least, contest it lol. If it's impossible then back down to your own bounty

          M U R D E R

            ^oops enemy offlaner with pos 4 went to take your safe rune smoked and killed carry, other 3 took your offlane rune... gg end.


              Yah Before 7.00 I saw lots of people Dieing over a Little Bounty rune less arguement over runes now witch is nice.

              Lester, Moe

                how is it not a good idea. people were fucking battling to the death over those rune spawns. they are now but not to the same extent, especially with shrines being active at minute 0


                  Offlane rune for offlaner. Safelane rune for mid/carry.

                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                    Yea tbh I didn't like this change. There's just less rune wars. And just less decision making at the start cuz there's 4 runes

                    Ryan Gosling Fan

                      Just go and catch Them all...

                      Not Saske

                        i tought it was me


                          less rune wars? o rly


                            But those Rune wars are fun, its fun you know dying for a 100 gold bounty hahaha.


                              Don't forget that rubick can lift enemy and put them on clift, so do magnus and its fail, pudge can hook from dire top rune

                              ♏mikeeCS ツ

                                ^^^ good old days lol


                                  I know this is like a month old, but I steal runes minute 1 all the time, and a lots of minute 1 team fights ensue when I'm feeling especially frisky. Only time I don't even attempt it is when I see 3 or more people waiting at it and I give the old nope. Let mid and hard carry have your own runes, one more person to help secure each of them, and the last should be at least scouting an enemy rune if not out right attempting to steal it.


                                    Ye the more runes the more fighting.