on utility void fast blink is must (cant offer waste farming time on HoTD)
on core void might be ok instead of aquila but i need some vhs/hs dude to confirm this
yes they can move around and attack, the only one that might help with dmg inside chrono is wolf though.
dunno if its a good item to rush, maybe?
^wait, they can move inside a chrono? Since when? I'm pretty sure I never saw that.
shit, it actually works, and the units get 1000 movement speed, rofl, this is hilarious
anything void controls will work inside chrono including necrobook and dominated creeps, and of course manta illusions, thus why manta diffusal does a ton of dmg in chrono.
^just tested it, yes
I always assumed manta illusions are fair game because they are void's illusions so they can move inside the chrono, I never knew about dominated and necro units.
Dominator IS GOOD on void and they CAN move inside the chrono but that isnt relevant unless you are using centaur
Dominator is an op item, you can basically get it on any hero
domi is like old drum but cheaper and weaker tbh
give sustain to farm and fight a little
AM and Jugger get domi before core items lately
@arin: it builds into kills and farming
Did you actually see how fast new dominated creeps are? It's ridiculous. Those fuckers can set up ganks better than 4k supports. I mean, good luck dodging the stun of a > 400 ms unit in the early game, good luck defending against an early push with the wolf, good luck calculating your mana when a satyr is running around at >400 ms ready to take your mana, etc, it gives you utility that's generally much more expensive and it lets you switch what it does by getting other creeps, it's a no brainer, that's what old dominator did as well, but creeps were sometimes useless because people'd run away from them if they were threatening in any way.
Don't forget the dominator aura too, it's really good for sustaining pushes to begin with.
Also, dominator stats aren't actually that bad if you take the utility into consideration. Old dominator creeps used to be stupidly slow and you couldn't maneuver teamfights with them like you can with new ones.
Every hero's skill cap went up because everyone can buy a dominator, and actually micro the creep to a great advantage.
honestly im just going to play some games of practice then start buying dominator on literally everyone i think
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Can dominated creeps become ignorant to the limits of space and time and do stuffs inside chrono?