General Discussion

General DiscussionIs SF much stronger right now?

Is SF much stronger right now? in General Discussion

    He gets his late game power spike at lvl 20 compared to other broken talents out there that are gotten at lvl 25, seems kinda op?

    casual gamer

      not op but pretty good.


        Think they should rework it and switch the level 20 and level 25 talent? Like +150 range at lvl 20 and +2 per soul at 25?

        casual gamer

          nah why nerf him? gets dumpstered by lycan and ember i believe


            I see, thanks for the input


              Why do you say lycan dumpsters him tho? I get the ember can shit on him in lane, but lycan versus SF seems less obvious to me

              M U R D E R

                Well in example sf cant really use ulti on wolf lycan coz he just runs


                  Yeah but i mean in a fight/clash, wouldnt SF be stronger than a lycan in dishing out damage? In what aspect does lycan beat SF exactly?


                    SF isn't that good against heroes with high mobility, it's that simple
                    He can't dish out damage and waste time and mana reliably on a target he won't even kill easily


                      People with common sense will also target SF first in teamfights and lycan can do that easily without getting kited, can say it's the same case with AM, slark, etc

                      casual gamer

                        sf is kinda ok at kiting a lot of carries around with hurricane pike. he is weak to physical damage that goes through bkb. lycan fucking SHREDS sf with either the necro build or the echo armlet basher build, BKB does nothing to stop him, he is not slowed by requiem, and he cares little about requiem damage reduction


                          I always got dumpstered by spirit breaker void and slardar if I pick sf

                          This disunity must end.

                            I really miss his turn rate and raze hitbox from dota 1

                            not arin

                              which hero does something against lycan though
                              i can only think of some memepicks like bloodseeker and even then lycan can still win thanks to his absurd tankiness in the early-mid game

                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                @3k teammate
                                Hohohohahahahihi timewalk the triple raze damage xd

                                casual gamer

                                  heroes that can pin him down and / or depush. WW is great because lycan will EAT his fucking teammates, and splinter blast is amazing against early pushing. carry wise you want something like a void or slark to hold him down and kill him, but both of these heroes are too low tempo to truly be good against lycan. lycan > luna as well i think

                                  the only real meta hero that is an answer to lycan is ember i think. snipers OK with a fast pike and silver edge, but you have to actually play well

                                  This disunity must end.

                                    puck against Lycan? hmmm! thoughts?

                                    casual gamer

                                      no pucks dogshit only pick puck if you have a fetish for failing your team and losing games


                                        I see, i mean i get that lycan rips through SF but what if it reaches late game and the guy has satanic and other stat items to fight? Thanks for all the input, appreciate it


                                          By the time SF gets satanic lycan would already have abyssal/bloodthorn or whatever other control item there are


                                            Also sf cant land razes on lycan while hes on ult. And early game raindrop nerf sf razes. Sf is squishy af. Hes also countered by slark