General Discussion

General DiscussionHotd or dragon lance

Hotd or dragon lance in General Discussion

    Lately i have been seeing hotd luna rather than dragon lance luna. Is hotd better than dlance or ppl just experimenting with that build. Im also thinking hotd terrorblade because he can use that hp regen on laning phase and it is not that bad because it gives as aura for clearing jungle and 6+ all stats. Sf hotd too?


      hotd main purpose is the dominate creep to combo with hero skill not for afk jungle

      luna and jugg ulti is almost same condition

      dominate creep to force the opponent to leave creep wave and ulti

      need to think how to combo with the dominate creep

      how do sf combo with the dominate creep?

      better combo is hotd drow, hotd bloodseeker, hotd centaur, hotd lycan, hotd beastmaster, hotd arc warden, hotd VS etc


        Hotd is the new drum, gives you nice stats/aura for early fighting, handy active ability to turn early game fights and regen to keep you topped up earlygame.

        4pos pudge/grim only

          need to think how to combo with the dominate creep

          no son, hotd is more like an utility item if you ask me. the dominate ability and other passive of hotd is nice and decent, gold wise. idk what are the combo thing you are talking about, but you get hotd if you need extra help from auras of creep or even their abilities (troll's net and satyr's purge) and the auras from hotd really good at pushing towers.

          and as using dominated creep to stack camp is most likely not as popular as it used to be, now the dominated creep follows the hero for most of the time thus making it a 100% efficient item.

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            Get HotD first then DL
            Standard enough


              I think hotd is better than old drum because it can be use for around 1 sec stun or magic resistance or ice armor or 35% damage increase. Hold to dlance is taking too much space for luna. I rather have manta for split push while farming own jungle or something like that. That combo is shit actually. No way a creep can force a enemy back of the creep wave. Troll net is used to net hero while jugg/luna ult. Why sf hotd? You can get the mana creep and spam razes. Why tb hotd? Better laning phase than dlance overall.


                say if i intend to farm and splitpush would it be worth it to get hotd?


                  Hotd boost your teamfighting ability. Attack speed aura is good for your team. Dominated creep is usually affect team too so its good. What hero do you want for split push and farm that build hotd most likely? Tb is one that comes to mind. His playstyle is split push and kill anyone who tp to that tower. But that playstyle is shit now you just go for teamfight with tb. So the answer is no for split push and farm hotd.

                  4pos pudge/grim only

                    idk man. it seems like you answered your own tread. anyway i dont prefer hotd on sf. hes a big rightclicker and there are so many better items for him. luna +hotd+lance is pretty decent tho (if you ever find the need of a pike, ofc)


                      Both is like srsly good on luna , except in lategame and no slot left

                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                        I'm not sold on hotd


                          I think the reason behind dragon lance on luna is to win the early teamfight. Like i said in counter luna thread she need to win early teamfight to win most games since she need to be ahead in game or else you just instantly lose. Question is: Is hotd a better teamfighting item for luna? If yes ill buy it then.
                          Like luna sf also need to be ahead there is 2 thing that can do this either get a lot of farm or win teamfight. So the reason i get hotd on sf is the same as luna though.

                          casual gamer

                            hotd is definitely worth it