General Discussion

General DiscussionAdopt a newbie thread

Adopt a newbie thread in General Discussion

    Here's a cool thread, purpose of this is to share knowledge and make the world finally know "how tu git VHS"

    So, do you feel charitable with your time, knowledge and kindness and make a scrub's dream of achieving VHS come true.

    Process is simple, just post your mmr and info like timezone, available time, how many scrubs you'd adopt, preferences, role etc. And match yourself with a lower mmr scrub

    Make sure you point out if youre the adopter or the adoptee

    Toto téma bylo upraveno
    doc joferlyn simp

      I want to both adopt and be adopted.

      Giff me Wingman

        I already adopted way 2 many.

        doc joferlyn simp

          Ah yes, the benevolent danish blue star answering dumb questions about the patch on stream. God's gift to noobs

          Giff me Wingman

            I'm sure people want some N O R M A L S K I L L knowledge.

            1-IceTea 🌟

              4.6K scrub
              GMP +06.46
              8pm onward everyday is fine (not Wednesday)
              Adop Me!


                I already adopted way 2 many.

                Fak u Blunt


                  I dont want anymore kids, but ill try teach whatever I can
                  4,756, UTC 8, Anytime if im online, ill adopt if i like you, I mainly play offlane and mid, no delusional kids pls

                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                    i wont share my secrets


                      renshin would u adopt me tho


                        Is it like some kind of speed dating... but for dota?

                        doc joferlyn simp

                          When presented with encouragement and kindness, the danish blue star retreats to the safety of the borders of skill division. So spins the circle.


                            @Alice, sure, anything for the best grill

                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                              Give me some scrubs I'll make sure they never cross 1k


                                1.5 mmr utc 7 available time 11.30-00.30 9.00-10.00
                                Preference: mid
                                Current role to climb mmr: safe lane carry
                                If playing high skill game with friends:supp
                                Main hero: slark,brood

                                Tento komentář byl upraven
                                doc joferlyn simp

                                  ^I sincerely hope someone adopts the poor fellow.

                                  the realm's delight

                                    my god


                                      fawk u ywn. the student shall surpass the teacher




                                          ayy i can adopt some 1k skrubs. i understand them well


                                            6ks couldnt understand what you're going through. but i can


                                              Even u can't u derstand what ur doing jacked

                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                Makes sense roflmao


                                                  Xd really?


                                                    Fx I'll adopt you
                                                    Come join the dark
                                                    Be forever normal skill

                                                    4pos pudge/grim only

                                                      i would like to be an adoptee but i dont have time too play feelsbadman xd

                                                      Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                        @ ywn, just tell me why MS over AS on Lanaya as lvl 10 talent.


                                                          Anyone tell me why rtz took blade fury damage rather than agility on lv 25 on jugg


                                                            i would like anyone but blunt tbh, and maybe deadweight because he changes personality whenever dota is running

                                                            Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                              Because it deals insane damage while making you spell immune? Saw 7k in my game do this.


                                                                I can't even download dota. sadlife ;(

                                                                This disunity must end.

                                                                  I am not gonna adopt anyone since my main is 2.4k MMR but here are the 4 most important things in dota imo
                                                                  #1 Map awareness ( you gotta be able to tell your opponent location without wards)
                                                                  #2 Positioning ( you gotta have a very good positioning knowledge)
                                                                  #3 Decision Making ( you gotta have a solid decision making in game: item choices; skill build; When to trade when not to; when to rosh and bla bla the list goes on)
                                                                  #4 ....... : )

                                                                  This disunity must end.

                                                                    #4 is the most important one! figure that shit out on your own :V


                                                                      how to get vhs thread: 0xF


                                                                        have u adopted anyone cookie


                                                                          if i had a student then i'd probably boost him downwards

                                                                          Vem Comigo

                                                                            can i make them work
                                                                            i can adopt you jacked


                                                                              arin how do i properly feed? I only seem to win games whenever i play solo!!!


                                                                                @this disunity must end.
                                                                                #1: No problem! I can easily find the whole enemy team without wards... just need to learn how to run away faster once finding them!
                                                                                #2: The most important thing about positioning is to make sure there is someone with worst positioning than you so that everytime he get caught you can run away.
                                                                                #3: My experiences in 2K helped me to learn some Solid decision making that make you lose the game! Now I just need to learn the ones that give +25mmr :p
                                                                                #4: Watch pro dota player and do what they do even if you don't know why they do what they do and blame team when they don't do what they do :p

                                                                                bum farto

                                                                                  I am too old now to help anyone. I have gotten slower and more cautious as a player. New players I would recommended following no guides and taking massive risks when playing. You either fail wonderfully or see yourself become the next RTZ.


                                                                                    lol havoc


                                                                                      nice attitude!

                                                                                      Da Chusen Juan

                                                                                        just give me some smurf account ! i want to play with 4k players ! im just a 3.8k :( sad


                                                                                          students are not slave labour!


                                                                                            Havoc I'll be following ur advice.
                                                                                            Watch me be the next RTZ

                                                                                            Da Chusen Juan

                                                                                              i think 4-5k players are good


                                                                                                alright adopt me hook

                                                                                                bum farto

                                                                                                  ^ not until you play with them. Players start become noticeably better at around mid 5K

                                                                                                  Da Chusen Juan

                                                                                                    adotp me bro

                                                                                                    Vem Comigo

                                                                                                      k i will climb you to 2k, at least, but now go work in the coal mines you biatch

                                                                                                      saving private RTZ

                                                                                                        Blunt abandoned me in a trashcan with my diapers still on please another blue star adopt me, i want blue star too!!!