I remember when Yorkey friended me on steam
Then unfriended me
Then friended me
Then I unfriended him
Then he friended me
Then he unfriended me
@hotsalza : I dont know your story, but as I said above this guy totally ruined my mood, not only lose game !
If you don't know by now that my man lice tea can only jungle then it's entirely your fault. Also why so salty. It's just party games. Relax. It's also very immature to bitch about someone you partied with dotabuff, even if he did not meet your expectation. Unless he is as heavy as apoop.
@Jacked : Dude, he is under-retard, who dont even know what teammates say, and he is 4k5?
@LOSE : No, its normal time, at least we win their trip-lane while playing 4v5. But I want this 1IceTea go fight with teammates, because we are strong if stick. Why keep afk jungle, instead of play as team ? This isnt RPG
Xd im lucky it isnt me. I think he just trolling forgive him. Dont ever party with him again and problem is solved. Btw why cant i party mmr with u?
lol he only do jungle.
the only way to make him out from jungle is, put wards on jungle creep spawn box lul
Hes jungle player, one look at his DB proves you that, why are you suprised, did you even looked.. ROFL
@EmotionalDrift : Before last game, I didnt look his dotabuff, and when I saw this, Im fucking shocked !
@fx : He isnt in my list anymore ! You cant party because MMR gap
@Redem : Dude, I'm fucking mad at last game. This is party 5, not solo MMR. LUL
I said 3 times in party chat I am only capable perform well in jungle at the time when we searching match,because it's 5 man rank I try to do better and not showing my broken lane machanic and bring you all down.
You are the last picker,you pick Broodmama after they have Sven and AM,did I need to explain hero countering to you?
You and your friends even shout out loud in all chat like a 9 years old baby,even enemesis is side with me because of your non-stop flamming is so annoying while you can't do any impact because of your draft and player skill cap.
and most importantly,call me 1ice my man Jacked.
the lowest cardinal number; half of two; 1.
frozen water, a brittle transparent crystalline solid.
"she scraped the ice off the windscreen"
synonyms: frozen water;
Not lice!!!
Edit:Yeh I got the img showed
Hahahahahahahahaha the nicknames i give everyone sticks, goodluck licetea and apoo
1IceTea : Counter ?
Can you explain, did they ever counter me ? I own top lane, and get 2 towers very quickly.
Plot twist is I'm already made space enough, but see what you did at bottom ? They are play 2-1-2 line up, if you go trip lane with Maiden, Mirana, you are win trip lane, and they need 4 heroes to handle me in offlane. You are the one wasted my effort ! I dont need you give me fucking WIN game, I just need you play STANDARD DOTA 2 !
And exactly why I always must play in disavantage with you ?? You farming jungle while we are trying hard in lane !
One more thing : You made us angry, not even lose game. We dont care about fucking lose game, why you give us fucking bad mood, and we cant flame you in all chat ?
But u why bad mood bro. Just a game. If u don't care that you lose why do you flame each other. I don't know man. You guys Are in a party together so just play the game you have, not the one you want.
@Kylextazy : the moment he buy fucking IRON TALON and run run run to jungle, we knew this is lose game already.
@Jacked (af) : Seems like you are not see a thing. You never understand storyline, once you keep defend him.
I plAy with lice tea my bro and he comes out of the jungle like a fkn champ. Why you gotta hate on jungling when it is legit. It's just his play style
Jacked : Its fit your style or your strategy, but jungle not fit for ours party. We already said at Finding Match screen. We dont like disadvantage
@Erwiene : Exactly Im fucking mad yesterday night with this cancer player ! But I'm already forget till morning, just want to speak my mind.
You mad because I went jungle or because I didn't listen to you?
i play with licetea few times, yes sometimes 1 teammates afk jungling will triggering me, when he can do nothing after the entire 30min jungle session. but at least licetea can do something after the jungle session
1. Sven only counter brood in lane which can be dealt by cutting the creep wave and jungle.
2. Am dont counter brood because he will never get farm if brood destroy his lane and jungle.
3. No tilt is the key to higher mmr
1IceTea : All I want to speak with you, Im done already. Even you are blind, you still can see my parties have 2 HARD-SUPPORT players there right ?
Mirana & Crystal Maiden there, and why you leave them, and let enemies fat ?
also icetea gave me almost 200 solo mmr by teaching me lycan lol u or ur team are prob just bad
I thought OP was trolling, but he was serious, lol. OP should have expected it considering the player’s history.
@ I will take all your fuck... : trolling, serious ? If he troll, the moment he unfriend me before I want do it, he was take a serious.
Think about it.
It just fucking 1 game man chill. I got worse teammate than you. And its only party mmr who cares about that. Ppl only cares about only solo mmr and even if its solo mmr, you need to realize that its only a game. A game is designed to make u happy not rage about it. Its not like the world is destroyed because he did that.
@ Fx : Did he say sorry to me, or my teammates ? No, right ? And he still think he is Mr.RIGHT
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Dotabuff : https://www.dotabuff.com/players/358472299
Party 5, already picked 2 support, and still jungle, and then he unfriend like 9 years old baby cry
To be honestly, I dont mind this story, dont rage at this guy (IceTea) anymore, but let keep discussion on this topic like memories guys. LOL