General Discussion

General DiscussionI thought 4ks are better than this

I thought 4ks are better than this in General Discussion
Nile There was a ogre camping me mid, my support did nothing, and flamed me, my jungler did nothing but farming all my camp, denying my chance of coming back, then blames me for losing mid, my offlaner flamed everyone else and said he won his lane, my carry said I'm the reason why early game was lost. I gently muted them come to post this boring and pointless thread on Dotabuff



      casual gamer

        theyren ot



          casual gamer

            better than that


              At least now i understand why everyone says 4k is the most toxic bracket


                honestly 3k players are better than this, i just got unlucky i guess


                  They are actually dont understand dota at all but thinking they are good and able to blame the others lol

                  casual gamer

                    just had a 4k mk cry in allchat that he had to 1v1 me as ld, of course he got shit on despite me being downs syndrome ld

                    casual gamer


                        jdf8 did u get midas


                          i played sniper bear in 1k but i always built midas

                          then build arc warden/sniper items

                          idk now i feel like midas isnt really needed. how early can u fight as sniper bear

                          casual gamer

                            ye i got midas but idk if it was the play to be frank

                            casual gamer

                              id buy hotd if i had the kind of brainpower to use it on ld LOL

                              casual gamer


                                  if ur gonna get hotd where do u fit it in the buildup?

                                  do u skip midas then deathball people with wolf/net satyr/purge satyr idk or can u get both (sounds awful tho)

                                  casual gamer

                                    you would go hotd first

                                    and you would skip midas

                                    the dominated creeps get ur ult damage, this is a huge meme with the skeleton summoner


                                      rofl i wanna try that in a game rn xdddd


                                        but my micro sucks so bad i cant even use bear to properly use roar LMAOO


                                          You havent seen my support LD


                                            honestly 3k players are better than this, i just got unlucky i guess

                                            tbh its hard to believe, just got -25 coz of a guy who randomed io, didnt repick him, and started intentionally feeding/tp allies to enemy base and feedng couriers at min 7 even though we weren't even losing.

                                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                                              ^ that doesnt show the player's skill tbh he's prob mentally challenged at that moment xDD

                                              cuz afaik theres always people who does that


                                                nah he was just noob and got tilted coz i said report io after he said to ff because he's useless


                                                  ? that can happen anywhere

                                                  im telling u if u tilt someone that doesnt really tell anything about their skill rofl its just them being mentally retarded


                                                    well ye i guess so

                                                    casual gamer

                                                      GOD i just had the best game of my life because my fuckign 4ks cast their spells on me and SAVED ME LOL

                                                      GOD BLESS FOUR THOUSAND MMR PLAYERS

                                                      BSJ. LGD

                                                        for some reason my 4ks stop trying when i call them "dog fuckers" after they do a throw play


                                                          rofl. lol, u must be a 4k whisperer like jd