General Discussion

General DiscussionMatch making idea

Match making idea in General Discussion

    What if you have the option to have a chance to queue up with 4 other players that have about 1k mmr lower than you, so each team has a significantly more skilled player. So the delusional players in each bracket can realize how bad they are.

    one syllable anglo-saxon

      yes please! i think 5k, 6k and 7k players will especially enjoy playing with their less skilled fellows!

      Swap Commends

        its already there, the answer is Party Queue.
        I am 3k solo and I get matched with 1k solo ppl when they stack. Your match is ruined, There u go.


          So you mean my every match?

          Pretty much anything above 5k is like this.

          Im 100% sure everyone above 5k hates this

          5ks gotta carry 4ks

          6k gotta carry 4ks and 5ks

          7ks gotta carry 6k, 5k and 4k scum every single game


            Playing with lower players every game Is like teahing a newborn how to walk, except you dont get a year to do so

            You only get 10 seconds


              My idea is that if u select this option, you get about 20% chance to get matched with lower mmr players, since there is 5 players on a team


                what's the point of that, it's still bad

                you'll understand it when you get to 5k+


                  Most delusional players ranges from 1,2,3k to low 4K, they need some good example, anything higher than that get matched with higher mmr players all the time, so they usually complain less, and not assume they are better than everyone else.

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                      ^That emote should be burned in hell (ember, get it?)