General Discussion

General DiscussionLPQ is fucking broken getting reported for picking MK and winning too...

LPQ is fucking broken getting reported for picking MK and winning too much. in General Discussion

    I currently lost 2 out of my last 10 games every game when I rape their safe lane I get some fucking scrub saying report Mk spammer I have all my coms muted and do not communicate in game Also have 6 commends and 5 reports on last conduct summary. This is fucking horseshit.

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      Similar thing happened to me, picked monkey king, won the game, got reported by enemy team, low priority. Honestly reports get you into low priority no matter what happens in the game. I always get reported because I can't carry 4ks.

      Dire Wolf

        I'd report you too, smurf account monkey king spammer.


          Don't have to worry about that m8 would never have you in any of my games. 3k after 3 years I would have quit along time ago

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            Dire Wolf

              Ohh booo hooo how can I live with myself I'm only 3 KAAAYYYYYYYY!

              I'd probably be 4k if I made a monkey king smurf but who has the time?

              your mmr isn't even public

              I'd rather play 2k ranked games than low priority


                Hero spammers are filthy scum, but you can counter them.
                So...... pick counters and win

                is it dirty? yeah
                reportable? Nahhh , save those reports for the safelaner who decides to feed because a support took a last hit to upgrade courier or buy some wards

                Tu tayta

                  LP is fun, just get some friends and clown your way to victory.


                    I'd report you too, smurf account monkey king spammer.

                    Beg Lee

                      I'd report you too, smurf account monkey king spammer.


                        I only report techies pickers. Even if they randomed


                          This is exactly why the system is broken, not that you would get the chance to report me down there in 4k> but its total bullshit that dumb like-minded people mean I got LP plus now a mute simply for picking MK.


                            Yea it needs fix, like some sort of overwatch like in CSGO where people can decide if the reported player deserves LP or not
                            "Oh shit i triggered 12 y/o kids by wrecking them with a hero they cant counter i am punished haHAA"