General Discussion

General DiscussionHow Can I get My role in Dotabuff?

How Can I get My role in Dotabuff? in General Discussion

    hey guys i want to ask you, how can I get my role in dotabuff? I always play role carry safelane and sometimes jungle but in dotabuff still no Role in my profile? I've seen so many players get their role even in 5 match new account. But, I already play somany games still get no role in dotabuff. please help me guys


      You have to buy with real money


        ^no you dont


          Roles are only assigned if your matches have been analyzed with TrueSight. TrueSight analysis is only available if at least 1 member in a match has Dotabuff Plus.

          Sugar Show

            it takes a while in smurf accounts.


              so I must buy dotabuff truesight to see my role?

              commends swapper
                Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

                  Sa2ir what sir?

                  1-IceTea 🌟

                    Dotabuff+ is fastest way if not just pray that you pair up with teammate or enemies that have dotabuff+