General Discussion

General Discussion*PLEASE RATE*

*PLEASE RATE* in General Discussion

    So this was my main account since Feb 2015 and as you can see the last few weeks i have slowly become more and more irritated with this game we call Dota 2000 until i decided to quit...for a month hehe.

    Thinking of coming back but would like some advice on which road (or should i say lane hehe) to go down on.

    I like the carry role but it is really boring for me #600gpm #stress #flamebecauseyouarenothelpingbutwinintheendbecauseyouarefarmed and im over the mid role. i like support but can never trust my carries enough and always feel like i need to farm because they are not doing what a carry is suppose to do. im only really good at Clockwork in offlane (like cancelling your hookshots to re-adjust good) and Bristleback as i have more games with them on my other account.

    Anything in my hero pool good for offlaning now? or should i start learning a new hero?

    Also i calibrated at 2.5k MMR after a year of messing around on this account and dont really feel like playing with 230ms Ping to increase it. South Africa Ranked scene is not really a thing.


      My condolences to your mmr.

      Try Slardar and also Centaur seems to be a fad this patch.




          @ImagineDodon hahaha yeah dude it sucks and the thing is, games at this MMR are really ez but the lag really affects you when its that high and we will only be receiving fibre in our neighborhood late this year. maybe i should just suck it up and play ranked as support haha

          i like Slardar and i have noticed i like mobility heroes when i play offlane...

          i was never really a fan of Centard as u get 1 spell then all your mana is gone and that u are only really effective when you get your blink but i will give him a try...i like the fact that he is tanky and has a global escape


            solid 5/7


              is 5/7 good? because it feels bad


                it's solid, Brendan.


                  who the fudge is Brendan? hahaha anyho...

                  so Slardar and Centard.

                  how is Clock this patch? havent really played anything but bots this patch


                    hahahahahaha Next Level Troll

                    so my account is on the level of a Christopher Nolan Masterpiece


                      I still don't get the 5/7 rating F**K I'm stupid, Maximum TROLLING THO EPIC.


                        5/7 for sure


                          i dont think anyone truly gets the 5/7 rating but Brendan...


                            this has been my main since feb 2k15


                              only that i went from 3k to 5k not normal skill to normal skill


                                your point is?

                                try playing a with 230ms ping or if you dont want to play with that ping, wait 1 hour to find a match...

                                i hate pubs, i would prefer to play ranked only if it was a viable option.

                                didnt ask for smart ass comments. asked for a little advice.


                                  Haha good shit, I remember when I first used "solid 5/7" rating in Dbuff. Timeless memes :')

                                  Lord Somerset

                                    I beat that vetroxity guys climb from 1k to 1.6k by 1 game and had 40 more gpm and he claims he's 4.5k. Not to mention I only play unranked in South Africa so it was very different. I just take over all my brothers accounts he calibrated. If we had the opportunity I guarantee we would be 4k or close I could have done it with spectre morph slark lesh and storm ez when they were in meta. Don't listen to these punks. Vetroxity was 2k a year ago afaik they just have ranked. I also lost 4 1k games in a row when I was mortal drunk then basically won 500mmr in a row. He claims he played heroes he doesn't know but what fecking 4k can't play storm spirit that's embarrassing and no excuse.

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