General Discussion

General DiscussionHeroes you hate the most this patch

Heroes you hate the most this patch in General Discussion

    If you're annoyed with current meta, let all of your inner rage out here.

    I dislike this patch, not because of map or UI changes, or talents. I like all of these changes, actually. I dislike this patch due to a meta, where you have straight up annoying broken heroes in every game.

    1. Pudge. I am tired of this fatty. You may tell me he requires skill, but he doesn't really require much in his current form. 53.5% WR at 1st picked speaks for itself.

    You have an enormous pure damage nuke, which is also an initiation tool, which yields no cost for the player for missing it.

    Rot is a level 1 30% slow. You may run down any melee hero at the start of the game. It should scale with levels at least, like 10 to 15 to 25 to 30%, but not this insanity.

    His ult pierces BKB and scales indifinetely into the late game, so do all of his skills.

    You may have no items, throw random hooks and any successful hook = autokill.

    It's like the old ES, but even more cancer atm.

    NO roamer has this much solo kill potential and such scaling with barely any items.

    2. Techies. In this patch you can't push during the night against him at all, regardless of having a gem.

    5 seconds Stasis forces you to either waste your BKB/Manta/other crucial item or be in risk to be initiated upon while in stasis.

    You can't see his mines coming during the nighttime and if you have melee cores, you have a very small time window to react.

    It feels incredibly unfair to lose against Techies this patch.

    His core may be 0-5, but who cares, he'll win, because Techies will give him space, regardless of you having a gem or not.

    Again, 52.5% winrate on such a hero kinda shows what's it all about.

    Games with Techies feel boring, unfair and unnaturally long, no matter what you do if he's at least half-decent.

    3. Necrophos. I've tried playing 40 games with him this patch myself. I've done nothing, I was bored playing him even, for that was a complete no-brainer. Anyway, I've got a 70% winrate in VHS ranked over a span of 40 games with him, even though I was putting almost no effort.

    The hero is just way too strong and also super boring to play. I couldn't keep playing him anymore, I just realised what a broken and cheap piece of shit he is this patch.

    You just have to pick Necro and even if you play like garbage, you have more chances to win than to lose this patch.

    Maybe I'll add more in the next post.

    Monkey King doesn't really annoy me this much. He ain't that hard to deal with actually.

    I am not annoyed by Embers, Lunas, WK's, Lone Druids, Underlords, Omnis, Abas, Rikis, etc.

    The game doesn't really feel that unfair against them to me.

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      ya ive been saying pudge is broken for a while now... sry to say this but im pretty sure treant is considered one of these kind of heroes as well xd


        1 hero that annoys me regardless of the patch
        fuck pudge and his fat hooker ass, fucking stupid fucks who pick him cuz their a dendi fangay, fuck that hero

        Tento komentář byl upraven

          mk+ treant


            i hate fuckig slark thats it


              I hate invo and pa picker. Invo picker thinks their good when they only cast tornado and meteor the entire game. Pa picker is very bad and somehow someway they always get crit when they desire not like me.




                  I hate playing against no one cuz no hero rlly irritates me.

                  Negative Mental Attitude

                    I hate lina and slark, not because i think they are op, but everytime one of my teammates pick them they are always going 0-10 spamming "Well PLayed!" whenever someone on their team dies

                    Also i hate cm because the people that play her always rush midas and afk do nothing for the first 20 mins



                      1-IceTea 🌟

                        Probably Luna and LD and maybe abit of necro.
                        OP af

                        As long as luna have this set I am fine tho.
                        The way she lean


                          Gachigasm not my proudest fap


                            the answer is always techies regardless of the patch


                              Tbh if luna was real i wud smash. Fuck man. Im sad.

                              The DarKNovA

                                Nah, Techies so far wasn't crazy at least. Now he is.
                                If not everyone knows what to do against him, you're might lose even from huge advantage against him, not to mention those games can go on forever, was forever since a game lasted almost 2 hours until this Techies.

                                Player 345068850

                                  Ember who the fck has a ult that has so much magical damage and mobility for that amunt fo mana cost

                                  Tento komentář byl upraven
                                  monk, tibetan

                                    FIUCK Treatn man like seriously.

                                      Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

                                        Luna. Too OP. And Shadow Daemon because people are forced into playing him whenever the team has Luna, even though they have no idea how to play him.

                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                          BALANCED BEAR MAN


                                            Who needs to judge based on patch lol. I hate Tinker, no matter if he's in mine or the other team.


                                              I hate retarded players not the heroes.

                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                For real though I hate Slark regardless of what patch. It's either he gets countered to hell and goes 1-10, or enemies are too incompetent to pick against him and he goes 1-10. Contributing more to the randomness, even if he gets countered if he's a great Slark he'll still go 10-1 regardless of what the enemy does, because he can play around his counters already. Conversely, if he's a Slark against no counters but he's a weak little shit he'll still go 1-10 because he couldn't use him effectively. Contrary to other heroes who don't rely too much on the players' skill, like Sniper or Juggernaut.

                                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                  just so you know, i played against a 50+ flesh heap stack pudge today.

                                                  dota playerツ

                                                    Does teammates count?

                                                      Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem
                                                      13 y.o (ghoul) (dead inside)

                                                        i auto ban luna everyteim, a good luna on an enemy team is bad news


                                                          "Contrary to other heroes who don't rely too much on the players' skill, like Sniper or Juggernaut."
                                                          Was that meant to trashtalk me

                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                            I do not want to instigate anything, I just wrote what I thought fit best.


                                                              your first pick mid SF that gets dumpstered by 2nd pick sb/riki/bh/slardar/pa or any decent gap closer goes 0/5 during lanning phase retreats to jungle--> gg wp no def

                                                              Badluck x 10⁻²⁴


                                                                casual gamer

                                                                  your first pick mid SF that gets dumpstered by 2nd pick sb/riki/bh/slardar/pa or any decent gap closer goes 0/5 during lanning phase retreats to jungle--> gg wp no def

                                                                  me lowest mmr on team

                                                                  me pick sf into 6k ember spammer

                                                                  me die 5 times in 10 minutes and blame supports for not sucking my dick

                                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                    tinker pudge slardar


                                                                      or you know that 11% win rate first pick spectre. Nothing quite like that to start off your day :D





                                                                          fuck axe and fuck blade mail


                                                                            im pissed of at battlefury right now. There is no reason to go battlefury on jugg, when you have a centaur offlane+ld mid and are trying to go for early finish, just like there is no reason to go for a battlefury on pa when you have tempo heroes. Nobrainers thinking battlefury on most Melee cores is instawin pisses me off, also ld is broken this patch, I didn't put any item on bear, and didn't even both microing him(except going for runes every now and then) and I destroyed


                                                                              core: luna - sniper, since 7.00 fight against these 2 heroes is almost like lose to me..
                                                                              roam: pudge, all @4k anger management practice plus and absurd HG defense..
                                                                              supp: treant, his unlimited eye of the forest are broken, free vision ABOVE ALL, plus high magic dmd..


                                                                                Slark, sf, troll, sniper, weaver, riki, any hero that will build sb or has invi annoys me since i need to buy sentry, dust and gem.

                                                                                young rich

                                                                                  Lone Druid + 200 attach range and +65 damage are so good talents