General Discussion

General DiscussionWith all the old DotA Allstars heroes here it got me thinking...

With all the old DotA Allstars heroes here it got me thinking... in General Discussion

    Do you think if the Dota 2 community made a really good hero pitch towards Iceforg/Valve with a hero idea do you think they will make it?

    I missed all the MK hype/rage when he came out so I don't know if they did anything about it.

    I ask cause I have like 9 hero ideas that could work in dota 2. All I need is for others to make a fair and balance check for each and every one of them.

    inb4 someone checks my profile and calls me 3k trash. XD

    Hatsune Miku

      welcome back

      D the Superior
        Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

          Pretty sure they won't care
          Plus the next hero is probably the 4th of the spirit brothers


            What, the Water Spirit or something? lol all we need after that is a Pseudo Avatar that isn't drunk off his ass to control all 4 of them.

            I mainly ask because I'm thinking about going to college for some 3D modeling and animation. I just wanted to throw some ideas around.


              3d modelling need a lot of passion and dedication. You need to enjoy what you are doing if you dont you are just dead. The 4rd spirit clue is on the mk comic story, colour is purple


                Honestly though, you have no idea what Dota even is if you are 3k. You are just playing some kind of clone for braindamaged people.


                  Or I'm not just that good at the game, and I can barely apply what I know about it to make it work? lol.

                  Over 3k games, I can safely say I probably seen it all. From carry veno to support jug, a lot of things go down in 3k and it blows my minds of the idiocy some times.

                  Honestly though, I just hate how negative this community is. Sure there are those that deserve it, (ergo me in a lot of cases) but there are those who just get flamed for no reason. People asking for help, only to be shut down by negativity. Sad honestly. However, I do admire people who help other people so I'll just post some ideas later down the line. I think I have an idea for a hero that would fit Dota 2's lore and style quite well. It's just that I'm a trash tier novice at 3D modeling at best. XD

                  I see the best in people, but I'm just overly optomistic at best with horrible spelling errors. I say if you put enough work behind it and put enough of your soul into your work, someone is bound to notice how great it can be.