General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is Lone Druid's win rate low?

Why is Lone Druid's win rate low? in General Discussion
Erase Humanity

    Good laner, flash farmer, decent dps, good pusher, 12 slots, has rosh advantage, long long range, good at base fight, good mid lane KDA.


      he has a positive win rate in 5K+ mmr bracket because bear feed and shit


        Because lower mmr players still go the radiance build and suck at micro completely. Low mmrs also feed bear a lot more (might be unaware that it gives 300gold bounty?)

        Tento komentář byl upraven

          Radiance build is still legit, actually.
          It's the micro issues.

          I don't understand why Timber and Enchantress are so low though.

          Erase Humanity

            I have some other guesses: In lower brackets ganks dictate the majority of kills over team fights. He is not as easy to gank as sniper, but still a good gank target. And there are too many PAs at lower MMR.


              He's not an easy gank target if you have just a little bit of micro/map awareness.

              Honestly, it's just about micro and that real Dota 2 players start at 5k+, unfortunately.

              4k is just a dumpster.
              And below 4k is a godawful dumpster.


                real dota does not start at 5k because 5ks games are always full of 4ks. I say 6k is starts

                < blank >

                  Normal Skill XD

                  Player 368673122

                    i believe 5k AVERAGE mmr games are more versatile and drafting comes into play more than the typical trash 4k tier where there are hero spammers, mid/safelane 1st pick snipes cause you're hovering over who you want - cause he's a c unt. - that make getting anywhere near 5k a drag cause no one really takes drafting as a TEAM seriously

                    i personally find 5k+ averages more about counter picking, larger versatility picks as well as knowledge about mechs so each player gets the feel of what our game plan is without communicating
                    i wish i could speak from experience about 6k averages but i'd say that's when REAL dota starts, expect 4 heroes to be ganking you mid for the third time before 10 minutes and 4 tps when you even think about tower diving to secure a kill

                    < blank >

                      I spam in 5k+ avg games, so?

                      casual gamer

                        yeah theres 6-7ks who can play only a few heroes, lol