General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy so many idiots in dota2

Why so many idiots in dota2 in General Discussion

    filthy riki spammer

    ILC - Lethal Ninja

      As I said I have played 2300 games as Riki in dota 2. And I spam Riki since dota 1, the day when death wards is the thing. I have adapted to POS 1 to POS 2 to POS 3 to POS 4 now. And POS 5 is definitely a no no. Riki is not meant to buy wards and sent to be full support. Which pro player used it as POS 5?? The best Riki position is now pos 3 with a pos 4 support at offlane.
      Or pos 4 with a pos 3 offlane at offlane. The new patch is better with 2-1-2 now, Riki can go get runes and roam which pos 3 offlaners stay lane to creeps and give pressure to opponent pos 1. People don't understand how Riki works and stay picking hero that do now works with the game play of Riki.

      doc joferlyn simp

        How do you maintain your mental health by spamming such a shallow hero.


          Maybe no other hero can do more with less on your team except Riki so u got reported for being greedy

          ILC - Lethal Ninja


            For example This match I'm pos 4, roaming. Get some wards and sent, but doom can't managed offlane well and see my roam


            ILC - Lethal Ninja

              I played Dota since 2003 when I was in uni. I have since graduated for more than 10'years now and is still playing dota but only use Riki. As this is the only hero I like as it can chase and kill.

              1-IceTea 🌟

                Why don't you try jungle riki?
                I done it and I did good that after I get just abit farm/LH I go kill ppl around map and again,I got the highest dmg done in game.

                ILC - Lethal Ninja


                  Then this match I was pos 3 solo offlaner. see how ineffective it is as solo offlaner. When cm can at least stay at offlane to help support. In the end roaming pudge and the good support from disruptor won this game. Lot of sentry, lot of dust.

                  Tento komentář byl upraven
                  ILC - Lethal Ninja

                    I don't know how to jungle Riki without the need to constantly go heal or get items which is not suitable for Riki just to jungle and delay the effectiveness of Riki to gank and get diffusal asap.


                      Idk who tf thinks riki is a pos 5. They may be retarded, but ur retarded for whining abt it. Mute them, fuck them, and play ur dotes. If you carry ur team i doubt theyll report you.

                      ILC - Lethal Ninja



                        I believe at least two reported me this match..

                        See how they expect me to be POS 5.

                        Mirana wants to farm offlane

                        Then we have a jungler who rely me for most of the wards early game.


                          There's a reason why you can't report anyone till the end of the game. They aren't reporting you because you went offlane Riki. They are reporting you because you are toxic about it.

                          ILC - Lethal Ninja


                            How to define toxic? Players like you is exactly the reason why this report system is broken..

                            "YOU DONT DO WHAT I EXPECT, YOU ARE TOXIC"
                            "YOU TAKE MY CREEPS IN OFFLANE, YOU ARE TOXIC"
                            "YOU DONT COME MID TO GANK, YOU ARE TOXIC'
                            "YOU DONT HELP WARD AND SENTRY, YOU ARE TOXIC"

                            This is exactly how this report system is broken, how players like you make this system broken..