General Discussion

General DiscussionBeen playing dota for almost a year and still cant get to vhs bracket

Been playing dota for almost a year and still cant get to vhs bracket in General Discussion

    Guys can i ask more details about these skill brackets? i mean i play with 500+ gpm in my normal games and even get 700 to 800 gpm but why is it im still in Normal bracket? I wanna get to at least High Skill Bracket, tried to spam troll warlord on my new smurf and still in normal skill bracket

    (I just used this acc to post the topic cuz the acc i gave u the id has less than 10 games xD)

    doc joferlyn simp

      Wow smurfing for a full year. That's some great shit you've got going on for you.


        Get even better
        Grind mmr, smurfing won't get you anywhere, 700 gpm especially in pub games is not even that good (coming from a guy who consistently shit out 700 gpm on RANKED matches)
        Focus on getting good, VHS will come once you deserve it


          49% Winrate. You lose more games than you win. So probably you're fine with NS bracket anyway. Afaik 3.2k mmr and on is HS. When I play solo (3k mmr) I get into NS, when I play in party (3.3k mmr) it's HS.


            Unrequited Passion
            I wasnt smurfing the whole year, i just started smurfing a few weeks ago

            doc joferlyn simp

              Well if you have a main why don't you grind? Find some friends to grind with/against, friendly competition is always good as a reason to excel.


                BWS, i know right but can u tell me more details about these skill brackets? i mean before i finished my callibrating matches i had 50%+ win rate but now i get so many lose cuz fail carries not that im saying im a pro tho


                  Unrequited Passion
                  Damn, my friends had way lower mmr than me xD
                  1 friend of mine is on the 3 digit lvl xD

                  Tento komentář byl upraven
                  doc joferlyn simp

                    I've been playing Dota 2 for a year and something like 3 months.

                    6 months into the game, playing with chill friends which I played mainly support with- 1400 MMR calibrated.

                    Floated up and down +-200 for a few months since I was too scared to play Ranked again.

                    3 months~ after I discovered Dotabuff and saw how everyone I played with (me included) was shit, got good I hit 2.8k MMR.

                    A month after that I got 3k but got ultra tilted and lost tons of games in a row, player improvement was stuck.

                    Right now rose up to 2.9k again but real world shit has got me tied down, looking forward to summer where I can hopefully play Dota 2 as intense as I did a few months before.

                    doc joferlyn simp

                      I'm not a good player by any means but if I just sat with my 1400 MMR and kept on making smurfs trying to reach a higher MMR I would be even more stuck now, in sub 2k.

                      doc joferlyn simp

                        Watching replays of high MMR plays is tiring, analyzing your own games even more so. I think the best way to improve is to ask a better player than yourself according to what he sees that you are doing wrong (probably a lot, at least in my case) and focus on the weaknesses that you want to improve on as a player, whether you want to farm faster as a carry or have better map awareness as a support.


                          It's not about the time spent playing - though it should help

                          it's about skill. G i t G u d


                            My advice would be to just play - play heroes you enjoy, have fun and do your best towards a victory. I used to exclusively play only normal MM and I'd occasionally get VHS without even trying to get there (and that's with a lot of breaks, I stopped playing Dota as much).

                            Lately I've been trying out ranked and honestly, I think just normal VHS MM is better. I did my original MMR calculation when ranked came out, got 3.6k, dropped down to 3.2k over the last couple of days. I know I haven't been performing at my best, but seriously, there are some dumb fellas out there.


                              Unrequited Passion
                              Been playing the game for 8 months to be exact
                              5 months into the game my first account had 1.6k mmr
                              Since i cannot accept 1.6k as an mmr of mine cuz all of my cousins or relatives who plays dota had 4k above
                              i decided to make a new account
                              after 3 months ( cuz i took a vacation for 1 month )
                              i got 2.6k mmr on this acc, and now im trying to make a new smurf again probably will be my last smurf acc


                                Skyrim guy, xD
                                Not saying im a pro but with my skills and time spent playing atm i can say im good
                                but still, i need to git gud


                                  I know right, even my older sisters bf had trouble in getting to 4k mmr, he has 3700-3800 atm
                                  Well, 3k is the new 1k they say.
                                  I've been playing good on most of my games especially on the new smurf acc i made tho


                                    u lose so much. wheres your 700/800 gpm? why smurf?


                                      It was on my new smurf acc the dotabuff id i posted
                                      It was on my 2nd troll game


                                        Btw Jacked
                                        u sir too is in normal skill bracket


                                          youre awful and u dont deserve high skill


                                            high skill is easy. only reason im ever losing 3k games is complete trash feeder teammates.


                                              Russian guy
                                              Thats why i was asking more about these skill brackets
                                              I want to improve? Am i being awful for wanting to get to High Skill Brackets?
                                              Thats why im asking and working hard to deserve it but i have no one to ask so i posted in dotabuff


                                                I know how u feel bro
                                                There are even trash players in 4k to 5k
                                                fken account buyers ruins the game


                                                  Don't base it to your GPM and XPM. Base it in you KDA ratio


                                                    Don't base it to your GPM and XPM. Base it in you KDA ratio


                                                      500 gpm is a joke

                                                      i'd say anything below 600 even in a losing game is pretty much playing trash


                                                        what if you play support or perhaps offlane?


                                                          btw coincidentally an offlane troll comeback my game that got me into HS (my first fresh game on this acc)

                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                            I dont have that bad of a KDA tho

                                                            Player 404335202

                                                              U may have VHS with 10% winrate ! Check my games i dont even know why i m placed VHS after that legion game ! Cuz i didnt do very well
                                                              But take my advice dont play support on new account cuz even ur enemy dont have supp

                                                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                My normal games always had a range of 500-600gpm unless the enemy is really good
                                                                on my best games i get a range of 700-900gpm


                                                                  Well that i dont know, because i rarely go offlane


                                                                    Lmao stop making smurfs and whining like a delusional cuck, just figure out what ur doing wrong and fix. G I T G U D


                                                                      With that ofc u would get HS it was a super long game and look at the damage u dealt, and kda


                                                                        My games werent that long


                                                                          ya my games arent normally long either, unless its some extreme turtle comeback when we get raxed in at 25 mins.


                                                                            Daddy <3
                                                                            Im not whining, im just asking more about these skill brackets :/
                                                                            also i find it fun trying to experiment different ways to get high mmr :D

                                                                            Player 404335202

                                                                              Ok .. Create a new account and pkay better than your team for some games , easy VHS :-D


                                                                                yo first game was probably a comeback and a super hard game eh? xD


                                                                                  Veri gud tim!
                                                                                  Thats what im doing actually :L
                                                                                  but the thing is im still in normal skill is this normal cuz ive only played 6 matches :3
                                                                                  thanks for your suggestion tho <3


                                                                                    No, you are complaining how after abt a year u arent hs. There isnt anything abt skill brackets but mmr/hidden mmr. You get mmr by winning games. You lose mmr by losing games. You dont gain mmr by smurfing, you usually just drop back to ur real mmr if u calibrate too high. Just get a better winrate by not being trash like me and ull gain mmr.


                                                                                      37% ranked wr wow. no wonder he wants to smurf


                                                                                        in NS i get 1k gpm as a joke

                                                                                        500 avg in NS is like not even hitting a creep once

                                                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                          I only wanted to see my average thats why i dont play like its a life or death situation :D
                                                                                          my first acc had 49-50% it has lower mmr tho


                                                                                            yeah cookie but talking about pos 3-5 not 1-2, is 500 gpm stil pathetic for those roles?

                                                                                            wouldnt say it was hard, i didnt rly lose a fight even i was jsut playing 1vs9 that game and won.

                                                                                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                              I cant stop being a trash if some trash keeps bringing me down every fucking game


                                                                                                still a long game tho 80 min aint like the normal matches u know


                                                                                                  It's because i see people who has lower stats than me almost every game and they be in vhs
                                                                                                  thats why i wanna know MORE about these skill brackets

                                                                                                  Player 404335202

                                                                                                    Try getting high hero damage ! I just talked to a 4.5k guy and he told me this ! Ur hero damage must be highest in ur team


                                                                                                      yea i had to literally kill all 5 heroes with their buybacks and destroy the ancient all by myself, from a 2 lanes of rax disadvantage. you can imagine it takes quite some time....


                                                                                                      ^ whats the point when you have a blademail spectre going rambo and rambo feeding and doing tons of damage with dispersion and blademail... or even a fucking zeus....

                                                                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                                        Yup he is the delusional, "its not my fault we r losing waaaaaah BabyRage waaaaah its my teams fault".
                                                                                                        Fuck off. U r in every single game u lose and every game u win. It wont always be ur fault but there is always something u can do to help win, and having ur cancer ass mentality wont get u anywhere