General Discussion

General DiscussionMeeepo. Help.

Meeepo. Help. in General Discussion

    Ok so I started practicing this guy, I have fun playing him.

    A few questions:

    After I hit lvl 5, is it okay to switch to the jungle and Farm there instead?

    After I get a third Meepo, is it okay to keep 2 in the jungle and the main one at the lane?

    What's the easiest way to poof away the main Meepo to other ones in case I'm in danger? I'm using minimap for that. Is there a better way?

    How do I combo properly with this guy?

    I blink > net > poof with all meepos and attack/net till they die.



      1) no, you farm both lane and jungle (stack with 2nd meepo/push lane and then farm jungle)

      2) yes

      3) i dont think theres an "easier way", although i think using minimap / clicking on ur other 2 meepos should take <1s

      4) what combo?


        Can I get some criticism about my Meepo games I had so far:

        Please, I'd appriciate that you understand I just started learning the hero - so I am really a begginer.


          I saw w33 playing this way:

          He's at the lane, farming, when he hits level 5, he goes in the jungle with both meepos, gets level 7, and then he stays with 2 meepos in the jungle while farming/pushing with the main one.

          Also, about stacking, It's still hard for me to do that, I get lost. I'll try tho.

          Isn't okay to leave the lane for other guy(a support, or a jungler to get a free XP while I'm farming my lvl 7?)

          Just the basic blink/poof combo.


            Damnit Vertoxity.
            Invoker one day, Meepo the next.
            I suppose you will next try to perfect Io, and Earth Spirit? Maybe Chen?


              I'm practicing new the heroes, Snu.

              Right now I'm focusing on Invoker and Meepo. And the most important part is, I'm actually having fun.


                Indeed. That is the only reason I still play Invoker, despite a 47% winrate (which has gone up considerably). He is just about the most fun hero in DotA.

                BTW, that normal skill wall of text I put on your Invoker Help page is all the advice I got months ago when I asked for help (and some personal experience).
                Mid One Invoker game (q/w):

                Still looking for the Pro Game where they executed the Q/W beautifully.


                  Im pretty sure u just have to split up the meepos to stack and farm effeciently. Ive seen some get iron talon but idk if thats the build. Thats all my shitty meepo advice.


                    blink poof combo:

                    u use poof on ur main meepo on all other meepos and then jump on ur target before meepos end casting poof

                    and yes, u can (should) leave lane for a sup or wahtever, but considering u are high 3k/low 4k u should just soak both lane and jungle, it should work either way


                      Thanks for blink poof tip. I was always wondering how the hell they poof that fast.. xd

                      snu, thanks for tips m8, I appriciate


                        If you saw him with 3 meepo sat level 7 then it was not a 7.0x game I suspect.


                          Don't die early. You can get your farm and levels pretty fast, so focus mainly on farm till you get your DLs. you can still get kills with your lvl 4 poof and net relatively easy but he is too squishy and rotations can fuxk him up so don't risk it and then get your Blink as helps you get kills with ease and extra mobility. you should have already reached 15, so getting Roshan is a piece of cake and then you hunt for kills with blink poof net and autoattack and get towers .....
                          Then you can get an ethereal blade..for that insane Agility and extra burst damage. Then you can go aghanim,skadi,vyse as you like/need...or more e-blades as you like.Meepo is highly rewarding if played well enough.
                          Main thing is being efficient especially in early 10-15 minutes.

                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                            Haven't had good record with him this patch tho... 7.xx


                              Against mobile heroes fast hex may be needed. Ember and qop etc


                                And since he lost 2 armour this patch he is extra squishy early so be extra careful before you get your pts..xd


                                  Miracle just ran over Bears with his Meepo a couple hours ago.
                                  Watch his early game - late game he struggled farming (kept getting caught out for some reason).