General Discussion

General Discussioncamera positioning question

camera positioning question in General Discussion

    I've a bit of a problem with camera positioning. I don't own a gaming laptop and my avg fps is 20-30 I really have trouble to keep my camera poisitionex properly especially in team fight when fps go lowest.
    1.Can anyone suggest tweaks in settings.
    2. I use mouse to move camera. Ive heard people using wasd is it better? I doubt I can change now but if it helps me then I can try.

    Any 3rd party software that can improve performance by shutting unnecessary app in Windows while I game.(but doesn't affect the computer)


      Camera control is normally up to whatever is most comfortable to you. I personally use WASD myself, but pros tend to use edge panning and hero centering since that's what they started with.

      // startup options: -novid -console -high -nod3d9ex -noaafonts -noforcemaccel -noforcemspd -useforcedmparms

      sv_forcepreload "0" // Whether we should force preloading
      fps_max "120" // Frame rate limiter. Set this to your monitor refresh rate
      cl_interp_ratio "0" // Sets the interpolation amount (final amount is cl_interp_ratio/ cl_updaterate)
      cl_interp "0"
      mem_level "0" // Lowest setting for max fps
      gpu_level "0" // Lowest setting for max fps
      gpu_mem_level "0" // Lowest setting for max fps
      cpu_level "0" // Lowest setting for max fps
      mat_vsync "0" // Stops screen refresh rate exceeding refresh rate of monitor
      dota_cheap_water "1"
      r_deferred_height_fog "0"
      r_deferred_simple_light "0"
      r_rainparticledensity "0" // Density of Particle Rain (0 - 1)
      dota_screen_shake "0" // Disable/Enable screen shake
      r_drawmodeldecals "0"
      r_decals "0"
      ragdoll_sleepaftertime "0" // After this many seconds of being basically stationary, the ragdoll will go to sleep
      props_break_max_pieces "0" // Maximum prop breakable piece count (-1 = model default)
      mp_usehwmvcds "-1" // Enable the use of the hw morph vcd(s). (-1 = never, 1 = always, 0 = based upon GPU)
      mp_usehwmmodels "-1" // Enable the use of the hw morph models. (-1 = never, 1 = always, 0 = based upon GPU)
      dota_minimap_hero_size "900"
      mat_clipz "0"
      mat_disable_bloom "1"
      mat_colcorrection_disableentities "1"
      mat_dof_enabled "0"
      mat_scope_fancy "0"
      r_propsmaxdist "800"
      r_waterdrawreflection "0"
      r_waterdrawrefraction "0"
      r_waterforcereflectentities "0"
      m_customaccel "0"
      snd_mute_losefocus "0"
      engine_no_focus_sleep "0"
      cl_timeout "60"
      cl_smooth "0"
      cl_showhelp "0"
      cl_show_splashes "0"
      cl_aggregate_particles "0"

      Player 404335202

        Thanks ... That'd help me too :-D


          @hotsalza thank you so much I'll try it.


            @Salza, thank you very much!
            Ajeossi, please don't give up your quest to 5k. Even if that race was lost, I still believe in you.