General Discussion


HOW TBD CALIBRATION WORKS ? in General Discussion

    What are the factors of moving up to higher brackets in TBD like 4.5k first game then 4.6k - 4.7k so and and so forth.

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      1. Hero damage/healing
      2. KDA

      Nothing else.


        defiantly not^

        also, don't worry about it, just play your best.

        you'll perform worse trying to get higher stats instead of trying to win the game.


          how i can get vhs guys? before patch 7.00 im always getting VHS and now to hard getting VHS -_-


            @mikasa have you tried destroying the enemy ancient


              ur normal games hidden mmr is the starting point of ur first calibration game. afterwards u have a hidden mmr for normal games and a mmr for ranked games which could be seperate. during calibration games u can have higher average mmr games than 5k. but ur first mmr after all 10 calibration games is capped at 5k.

              im currently calibrate a smurf myself but the average mmr doesnt seem to change a lot for calibration games..


                What i have been told things like total stun duration applied to enemy heros count as well.

                in the battlepass they can determine if you cast a spell that saved an allie from dying, so i guess calibration factors are far more complex then just "kda, hero dmg/healing"

                these probably are the main factors, but im sure there are several other factors.


                  @cookie u sure bro?


                    oke thanks for info guys :) i will try it i hope can work


                      All depends on your hero. Each hero has a certain list of things you should be doing and your calibration takes that into consideration. KDA, hero dmg, healing, support items bought, tower damage, etc

                      If you're a Sven, your healing doesn't mean anything because Sven doen't buy Mek
                      If you're an Omni, or a greaves carrier, you'd better be damned healing
                      if you're a dazzle, you'd better be graving people, buying wards and healing. You arent going to be doing the amount of hero damage as an axe who is always landing 3-man blink+Calls.

                      Or, as Cookie said, just play your best.


                        Yes, if even opendota can get data of how many hooks you landed as pudge or how many times you killed rosh as ursa or troll, it would be very shortsighted to think that calibration only takes kda and hero damage into account.

                        if you play luna because she farms fast but played like 2 times you will get lower stats compared to if you woulf play your comfort heros.

                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                          TBD does'nt implement the +/-25 MMR right ?


                            yep, you can move by up to +-500 per game


                              You get MMR that the system thinks you deserve

                              Giff me Wingman

                                JUST 4.7k PLEASE


                                Also cookie is wrong, MMR does up by MAX 350mmr per game.


                                  actually i've tested it already and gotten +500 multiple times in my calibration series


                                    if u try hard enough, u can get a spooky ~-1.5-2k pts after one calibration match. only works for 1st and 2nd game mmr gap tho.


                                      So TBD calibration system is like in normal matches when finding your hidden MMR right? Or TBD is more complicated ?


                                        @Danishblunt . lol dude don't expose my old IGN xD!