General Discussion

General DiscussionSo how's invoker fair in higher skill?

So how's invoker fair in higher skill? in General Discussion

    With my invoker doing really well this last month, I was wondering how does invoker fair in higher level of gameplay? I'm in 3.2k still so I still have a way to climb back up to my 3.9k glory days but what should I look out for higher up?

    not arin

      Ask this question when you're there.
      Also ask yourself what is the difference between a good hero player and a good dota player.

      casual gamer

        hes ridiculous right now i think but i havent run into an invoker player yet this patch

        i got husky on my team twice and he carried both games in 7.01 with this hero

        one syllable anglo-saxon

          Also ask yourself what is the difference between a good hero player and a good dota player.

          this coming from u is quite ironic


            @arin Well, climbing 3k trench is hard atm. Just had a game where a slark didn't know that Dark Pact can purge Slardars ult smh. Also I still got room to improve atm.

            @JDF8 what build is good atm? I can go any build with invoker (Quas/Exort prefrence cause trying to play quas/wex with a team that doesnt' have backbone to go in on a gank is NOT something I look forward to in my day.)


              invokers a tier 1 mid hero right now


                so if you were 3.9k before, and your 3.2k. does that mean 3.2k = 3.9k?

                not arin

                  well, i doubt you know who i am

                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    i think thats pretty obvious


                      i thought vokers gigabad

                      BIG OUNCE *REAL STREET NI₲₲A

                        idk ive been playing in 1k since january on this shit account its 3k now ROFL

                        Giff me Wingman

                          Invoker is one of the strongest mid heroes this meta.


                            invoker was almost always a good hero, i fail to see the point here.

                            and i don't see him as overpowered, you can easily deal with him.

                            casual gamer

                              n i n e s e c o n d t o r n a d o c d

                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                lol JDF8, so true, so cancer

                                Player 404335202

                                  And with octa its 6 i guess




                                      He's not that good right now. Idk why people can say he's amazing while he sits at a 47% winrate
                                      The hero needs buffs, eventually you'll get to face players who know how to shit on an invoker. So Glhf

                                        Tento komentář byl smazán

                                          If you know a hero well enough, a certain patch shouldn't mean that that hero isn't a viable pick for a team's draft. Invoker will always be good no matter what, because of how versatile he is. 47% winrate doesn't say anything if you are a dedicated invoker player.


                                            If you get a good laning stage with exort invoker and you got some setup kill like bara or nyx you can just kill anyone globally using sunstrike because of the new max1st exort build. You need some timing with bara though. Consider you are a counter to am if you have nyx on you team because at min 10-20 nyx can solo kill am with your ss. Winrate dont say anything for a hard hero. Brood is very strong right now and he got really low winrate too. Dont judge a hero by its winrate


                                              Does this low winrate theory work on NP?

                                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                The reason why the winrate is so trash is cause all the trash players in 1k which copy paste miracles build without thinking and can only land the euls combo 1/3 times pick invoker 24/7


                                                  I have seen various injoker before such as 1st item deso(30min in) only can cast tornado meteor and def blast but still miss the combo.


                                                    WK op hero cuz winrate :thinking:


                                                      In lower brackets, an early invo pick is to PA players what a red cloth is to those bulls in Spain except in this case the bull(PA) shits all over the matador(invo).


                                                        opponent pick invoker , you pick tinker .. EZ