General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp a 2k player

Help a 2k player in General Discussion

    Hey if anyone has any time to check out my last game and leave some advise that would be awesome.

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      Do you check the minimap often?

      lol lol lol

        Have you tried to die less ?


          the best thing i could give you is try to practice 2-3 heroes that you really love to play on. PMA is very important thing. PMA stands for Positive Mental Attitude, so even if you had a bad games or you are outplayed and your teammate are starting to annoy you in the way of blaming you, trashtalking, etc. if you have positive and Good mental attitude it may always lead to a good result. You may check my recent game so you can see where bracket i belong



            Use chatwhell=mute

              Lot of 2k players dont focus objectives and winning. Just focus.

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                I think he died a lot because he doesn't have map awareness
                He doesn't guess where the enemies are and farmed in dangerous grounds
                By the time, he retreat it was too late
                I'm not kind enough to watch the replay

                The Medic Guy

                  Have you tried to git gud ?