General Discussion

General DiscussionIs safe lane or mid more reliable for climbing mmr

Is safe lane or mid more reliable for climbing mmr in General Discussion



      Probably mid. Safe lane supports can fuk u over. same for mid if there's no defensive rotations. But doesn't matter as much?

      Fee Too Pee


        casual gamer

          mid or offlane imo

          the realm's delight

            below 6k avg mid or offlane
            above 6k safe lane is ok too


              Mid is reliable if you're good at it


                do take carry mid and for safe lane pick support for hiking mmr


                  Offlane or mid


                    No. U can climb only on supports. Carry and mid are not effective and barely needed in games


                      Offlane. I mean, Your somehow isolated to your team. Offlane is the best no blame from wannabes, free farm , And sometimes your hero has a high impact on game (since offlane heroes are strong/OP).


                        Why do ppl say offlane. Offlane / safe lane u can't really reliably say how a lane will go. It depends on what heroes are picked on ur team (supp) if u play carry, and what offlaner(s) are picked on the enemy team. If u r offlaner, it depends on the matchup (ie what heroes are picked in their safe lane and what supports. Dual or trilane). Mid had arguably way less variables out of your control

                        Giff me Wingman

                          Safelane is the best way grinding mmr in high bracket. Since for some reason once u hit 5k+ everyone and everything camps mid, literally making it a warzone.

                          Dire Wolf

                            They're just different. Mid depends on enemy team not ganking you and you being better than the opposing mid. Safe lane depends on your support helping you win lane and then you outfarming everyone/killing the towers. So mid if you are better than opposition, safe if you are good at particular things.




                                U can say how the lane will go, because ull either win it, dick the enemy safe carry and snowball out of control, or lose it, rotate and jungle and dick someone elses lane and snowball and win the game.


                                  I feel like this has less to do with your lane and more to do with your hero.




                                      I believe midlane has always been the classic lane to climb mmr assuming you are better than your rating suggests, that being said I think safelane is a bit more stable if you aren't a highly mechanically skilled player who will win their lane everygame.


                                        If choosing between the two: mid.

                                        Generally any position, where you're on your own and can't blame anyone, but yourself.

                                        Mid, offlane, jungle, roamer IMO

                                        If you fuck up in any of these, it is your fault primarily.

                                        If you're the carry, you could get dogshit supports and blame them to excuse yourself. An easy mind trap.

                                        Remember, I am just a dogshit 4k, which started in lower 2k, so what do I know.
                                        I've played only offlane/jungle in ranked for almost a year or so.

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