General Discussion

General DiscussionViper build for 2k/3k brackets (feedback)

Viper build for 2k/3k brackets (feedback) in General Discussion

    Hey, so I've been looking at the guides for this hero and felt weak 30mins in and the mek feels like a waste of gold with teams refusing to push early half of the time.

    So Ive been trying this with small variants:

    Aquila - Treads - Yasha - DLance - Desolator - Linkens or BKB (if necessary) - BoT - AC - Manta - Butterfly

    I seem to be able to still do a ton of dmg late with this and tank pretty well (take hp talent and agi and armour if needed otherwise range) would appreciate some item feedback as I'm not sure I'm itemizing correctly still but I can also fight early pretty well so far

    Of course I'm mid or part of a aggro offlane so I'm not the main carry but my pub games in 2-3k brackets often seem to go late with people not grouping to push and going jungling after pickoffs..


      Why get a desolator? Your q is very good


        Well I was noticing my auto atk dmg was quite low mid to late when ppl start becoming tankier and ideally I wanted to dmg them to half asap so my passive would kick in.

        Deso is cheap, good for sieging, it is quite a large boost in dmg and goes well with the AC..Feel free to add your ideas on potential replacements

        Tento komentář byl upraven

          Deso isnt needed, maelstrom seems better. Something like pike maelstrom and tank/hybrid tank items like butterfly ac skadi satanic. Basically i find on viper u need to min max dmg and tankiness a lot, u cant buy something like hood and pipe and skadi and deal no dmg and u cant go mjollnir bloodthorn and tank no dmg. Its up to u but viper can buy a lot of items and his build is very versatile and flexible so just make sure u rnt going full tank or full dps and ull be fine. Itemizing viper has always been very tricky for me.


            I will sometimes take the linken or BKB before deso if needed to and in that situation I felt my dmg was very low without a dmg item next

            Tento komentář byl upraven
            one syllable anglo-saxon

              just get sb deso and kill everybody


                Hmm do you think maybe with a mjollnir build veil would be a good early item to maximise procs and poison dmg?

                Tento komentář byl upraven

                  SB seems very situational for me if I come up against good supports it's a big waste of gold


                    > Why get a desolator

                    Maybe because his passive deals physical dmg


                      Also I don't really feel like I need lifesteal as I'm tanky and often sat further back later on and if they do jump on me first my team can usually wipe them with my highish hp, ton of armour and corrosive magic resist/attack slow although it could replace deso for less dmg and more sustain will test it soon:)


                        Viper doesnt need the raw dmg of deso, he usually wants something to give him dmg and utility or dmg and tankiness and these sort of multipurpose items. A diffusal or maelstrom is better on viper than just deso.


                          Like u shud be frontlining and forcing the enemy to initiate on u, and viper is one of the worst heroes in dota to initiate on. And deso doesnt help do that.


                            get rapier.End

                            casual gamer

                              deso is fine :V

                              dont buy mek shits awful

                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                Mek is extremely old. Deso seems fine for viper,
                                Treads, Aquila, deso, pike, manta then maybe an ac or bkb if needed would be a good build


                                  Deso isnt that bad just imo not an everygame item. I personally feel there will be better alternatives but if u wanna shred buildings go for it.


                                    skadi seems good


                                      I go lance mael into whatever I need. I usually like to get damage first then transition into survivability but really I just go whatever is needed for the game. Like I recently went helm ac mjol after those first items it really depends on how the game is going, are you ahead, are you the main rightclicker, are you behind, what kind of damage do you need to deal with, can you get away with not buying a sustain item early. I personally dont like deso, you can do plenty of damage without it and have more survivability.


                                        I rush butterfly after lance

                                        casual gamer

                                          ^^just had a 6k do that on sf rofl. then he got raped and broke his items

                                          Cheap Laugh Guy

                                            Shadow Blade is still good even if you play against a good support that spams detection, just don't risk solo too often and you're wasting their gold on dust and sentries. If there's a hero in your team that uses SB as core, then you can switch to Blink Dagger and/or Hurricane Pike.
                                            I would rather get a Crystalys over Maelstrom for the Nethertoxin damage :P


                                              Viper can lategame pretty well unless you keep getting kited. AC, Heart, Skadi any combination from these 3 items.

                                              You want dragon lance after treads every game for early fights. If you're facing magic damage like ember or tinker get a hood/raindrops and maybe pipe if your team needs it.


                                                You have natural magic resistance so you really dont need more. Both those heroes are so squishy you just turn and fight and force them back.


                                                  Hood can make u immortal against certain lineups tbh, u shudnt ever die to luna ulti for example.


                                                    I prefer my sf item build. Sb lance se pike butter and satanic/skadi


                                                      ^tbh its not that bad. But viper isnt a cookie cutter hero there r legit so many possible ways to build this hero dont fall into the same build every game when there is a better one