General Discussion

General DiscussionClimbing Rank is So Painful Even w/ 54% Win Rate

Climbing Rank is So Painful Even w/ 54% Win Rate in General Discussion

    Hi guys,

    So I must admit, I'm a fucking scrub player who started playing the game about half a year ago. I calibrated at 1k3 MMR, kappa. Ikr, even my friends ask how tf do I even get that low, did I play dota and watch porn at the same time. I genuinely suck and it's because I was absolutely new to the game. At some point, I even dropped to 800MMR.

    I tried fucking hard to improve MMR, even more than trying to keep my scholarship in college (almost lost it in the last semester btw, lol). I watch pro games on Youtube, watch recent events, subcribe to Arteezy twitch, watch coaching sessions from BSJ, watch D2Bowie, watch some free videos on gameleap and pvgna because I'm broke af. As a result, I had improved my laning phase and controlling creep equilibrium, pulling camps. I focus more on the objectives (a fancy word for taking towers or rosh when the enemy team is down and not go back to farming like an idiot), keeping a calm manner, reading the map to avoid enemy heroes or engage fights when necessary. I'm currently at 1k6MMR. Yes, I came a looong way from 800MMR, doubled it. ggwp :>

    Now, the problem is, I feel like getting only +25 for each win is so slow. It makes the climbing MMR road a long and painful ones. I don't think this is an average "I'm not belong to my MMR" whining (although, please tell me if I'm just being delusional so I know my place). Here's proof: This is my dotabuff page. I got a life time win rate of 54% and last 3 months win rate of 60%. If you flip through the first 4 pages of my matches, you can see mostly wins. I truly believe I'm at least above 1k6 and belong some where in the 2k currently.

    At this rate, while trying to make up for my GPA last semester, it sill be a long time until I even reach 2k. I want to play with people who understand the mechanics as well as me badly, so I don't have to ask everyone to go hit the fuck out of towers after we win a team fights, I don't have to ask my support to stop pushing the lanes and give my offlaner early levels, or that I don't have to yell at everyone to smoke sneak behind to get the Sniper first instead of trying hard to manfight the Axe who just spin the fuck out of everyone.

    I guess this is just my stress-reliving post from all those matches I got so frustrated but still had to subside my anger and talk my teammates into keep trying our best, then at the end of the day, still end up at 1k MMR. If you think I'm just another kid who does not know his place, please let me know; but please don't be too harsh and break my heart :'(

    Feel free to share your thoughts if you agree with the topic of this post or if you think otherwise. Do you think there's a better way to climb rank? How was your road to 'x'k?

    The kid that's been through hell (0k MMR)

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    casual gamer

      its tough man, its a lot easier to just play for enjoyment than mmr if your target is way way way higher than ur current mmr, and rise naturally than agonize when u lose 5 games in a row (which is inevitable)


        you play only party, what do you expect?


          130945653 is my friend id. I can hook you up with some 2k matches if you add.


            @kormoranas ayyy, I mainly play with my friends recently because we all know what we are doing unlike many guys I got matched with playing solo. Guess I'm kinda gave up on gaining solo mmr and only play with friends for fun like @endless said

            @Jack Attack ohh a main support player at 2k, respekt! I'll do it next time I'm online


              Was calibrated 1.3k myself, so i know the struggle. You just have to enjoy the process, anyway with 60% winrate you will get there eventually.
              Just spam impactful heroes, in my case i abused invoker back then.


                It will simply take time.


                  I skimmed through your post, but why not make a new account? It's the same with 3k man. I was stuck at 3100 no matter what I did. If I mid, the support and carries suck. If I support, our carries are worthless. Dota keeps you at roughly a 50% win rate (which is why 95% of the people have 45-55% rate) so unless you do what boosters do (spam a ridiculous hero like TA or Alch and win the games 5v1) then you will stay around the MMR you are at. Best bet, make a new account, grind out 100 or so unranked games, and recalibrate.


                    LOL don't lose your scholarship because of DOTES, you're gonna get in places on your life because you're a scholar so don't really think to much about DOTA just enjoy the game man.


                      I'm a carry player. i do hard carries mostly (Spectre, Naga, Medusa). doesn't matter which bracket, with a bad babysitter in my lane my team always loses. I even remember losing badly on my friends 1.2k mmr account (I'm a 2.8k) .
                      You could try and have a new smurf account and you would calibrate much higher BUT here is the problem: when I feel bored, I would rather play normal rounds and have fun than focusing on my limited pool of heroes to not lose precious mmr. so my advice is don't bother with mmr even people at 6-7k always complain about teammates. It takes longer to gain mmr, but its fun being more skillful than your bracket.

                      Optimus Drip

                        I feel ya. I'm 60 percent in ranked but the climb is slow. I originally started a year ago at 2.2k and now I'm 3.4k I only play on average a little less than one ranked solo perday. I recommend u look up good boy guides and his guide on mmr . Basiclly, at 51 percent mmr u get on average 1 mmr per game. 500 games equals on average 500 mmr. However, if u have a 60 percent ranked winrate , u get on average 5 mmr per game. Only 50 games for 500 mmr. Figure out how to get 60 percent is what I say.
                        I play techies, and that's how I gain mmr, figure out ur spammable hero


                          762 techies matches? What is life?


                            Sadly there's no better way to climb than to play the grind game. Keep trying to play with people who are way better than you. (I started playing Dota in Dota 2 as well, so I was so bad at this game)

                            You'll be able to improve a lot faster and be able to apply game mechanics where it matters.

                            Cancer Malaria

                              If its 1k MMR just spam support and you'll get out easy, work for me at least.

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                                  PuppeyFace monitors = broken PuppeyFace
                                  I personally like looking at zai and crit for supporting but thats cuz i support the boys. Also fy god at sl anyone?

                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                    I watch some pro game,rarely watch own replay no subscribe to RTZ,BSJ,purge watch abit of Dota YouTube but get nothing out of it (because it teach how to lane) and still 4K.
                                    The secret is jungle :happy:

                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                      Scholarship and your subjesubject mmr is more important then your Dota mmr,keep it in mind although I know some subject are boring af

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                                          ^ye i saw him against liquid where he cud have (probably) saved 2 teammates with stolen astral but tunnel visioned on stealing brew ulti and then ended up dying anyway lol.


                                            i know how you feel bro

                                            ill just give you one suggestion:

                                            MAKE A NEW ACCOUNT AND OPEN A NEW MMR.

                                            if you really feel that youre not belong in that bracket but so hard to increase your mmr cause retard players on your team, thats the only way to make your in your bracket. Cause thats what happen with me. Before this, im only 3.5k player but i feel that my team and enemy is dumber than me in many ways (no offense). so, im curious what happen when i open a new account, so i did that. and when i open my new mmr, i caliberated at 4.3k. and now after 3 weeks playing, i go up and down at 4.2-4.4 k. so, i realize thats this is really my bracket where i belong.

                                            When you try to open a new mmr and you still find yourself at 1.6 instead of 2k, you must realize that you really belong in that bracket and still have to go a long way to learn dota more.

                                            More on that i believe you can enjoy dota even you dont have high mmr. hope this can help you in some ways.

                                            Farm then Carry

                                              Spam jungle lc. dont stop or you will drop.

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                                                i think i belong to somewhere middle 4k, but i won't make new account to prove it, i'm just gonna grind this account