General Discussion

General DiscussionIs clockwerk viable on anyway ?

Is clockwerk viable on anyway ? in General Discussion
I can’t believe its not h...

    Ive been very interested on playing him, but i lack the basic thing like every low mmr player. The potential way of counterpicking. So i dont know When to and When not pick him.

    Thats why i havent played him that much.

    And the meta is not very viable for him right now i think.

    But i like to play outside the box, and i really need to learn how to play offlane.

    So is he trash anyway in this meta no matter the situation ?


      You can spam him if you are good.

      He's a dotabuff abuser but he still plays pretty much only clock/ds and holds 6k. If you know how to block the first wave with cogs and abuse cog mana burn you can win most lanes solo vs any lane especially sub 5k where people are bad at laning.

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