General Discussion

General DiscussionIs my smurf okay?

Is my smurf okay? in General Discussion
i commend

    Dotabuff masteeeers, is my smurf account good?
    What I'm doing:
    -Spamming heroes I'm Comfortable like SF and LD (although Im not really winning yet)
    -Focusing on farming and hero impact

    Although I'm getting good farm and clash impact but my hero damage doesn't really dictate it though. Does hero dmg play a big role?

    Arturo b

      comeback after u play 50 games

      fear is the mind killer

        ^ this


          Very High
          Last Match an hour ago

          Probably not..


            Naw, u doin really bad


              Smurfing is fooling yourself. I hope you see the numbers you want to see there soon which hopefully will be at least 2k more than your original account and be satisfied with it. :)


                weeew i had 19 1 20 ,650 GPM and XPM on my first match and i didnt even get high skill gaben pls


                  19 1 20 ,650 GPM and XPM

                  how did you manage to have so low GPM and XPM with 19 kills rofl

                  650 GPM is like 2-4-3 kda carry material


                    650 gpm because no farm. Just the kills. I am sure he doesnt have more than 150 cs there


                      It's okay, keep playing


                        yeah i couldnt kill neutrals because i had a luna that cleared all camps...also game ended at minute 25


                          IM NOOB TOO


                            If I see you about in my unranked games, Imma shit on you like I did as a support sniper to all SF's I play against. Kerching.