General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to meepo?

How to meepo? in General Discussion

    Treads or BOT? Eblade or hex? Dagger or silver edge? Use macro keys or not? Anyone meepo lords?


      Treads i think
      Eblade for dmg hex against ember and shit for disable
      Usually dagger, se for break only

      Morgan Freefarm

        'every item build is situational'


          treads 99%
          eblade unless there's someone who REALLY needs to get hexed or he'll rape u with the new root his q disables ember ult storm ult alikes
          and dagger is 100% silver edge sometimes works but even if u get a silver edge u probably gotta have the blink too


            Treads 99.9% of the time.

            Not really the best time to be learning meepo though.


              u kiddin right?


                ^ why? hes right

                Giff me Wingman

                  Meepo is underpowered, if you want MMR grinder, learn something useful lika sylla, ember or something.


                    just look at my meepo game


                      Meepo is literally one ofthe strongest hero this patch, oh the sadness when people are fucking garbage at this game.

                      Meepo is underpowered, if you want MMR grinder, learn something useful lika sylla, ember or something.

                      corona virus

                        look at my meepro if u want xa xa xa


                          advice for dagger
                          blink first then skill 1 and poof (this is just fpr novice)

                          casual gamer

                            tread dlance x2 blink EB/sheep then aghs i think? idk

                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                              @Sia yes, i'm serious. For most of Meepo's time in the game he has had a much lower skill floor and only required 20 games or so to learn how to dominate games with him. Right now he is in a place where you'll get punished for 50 games at least before you can play him to the level of a simpler hero.

                              Remember when he had a respawn timer 30% (?) less than all other heroes. That was properly broken and gave a lot more leeway for bad late game decisions. Comeback mechanics didn't really exist so you weren't punished for bad decisions either. AFK farming was also easier. Split-pushing was easier. Now you need to get in fights early when you have a lot less of a gold lead and micro fuck-ups are punished proportionally a lot more.


                                Start with treads buy BOT later. Both Hex and Eblade late game. 2 Dagon Lance dagger mid game. Heart Eblade Hex Bot Dagger scepter or?1 more Eblade For Final.

                                Giff me Wingman

                                  Ever heard of patches?

                                  Apparently u didn't.

                                  disgusting weebs

                                    except nothing changed since 7.01

                                    Giff me Wingman

                                      Base armor reduced by 2.
                                      Agility from 14 to 13

                                      Combined with buffs and nerfs to other heroes that actually fuck meepo up made meepo really meh. Laning mid less armor is really meh.