General Discussion

General DiscussionMirana safe lane carry

Mirana safe lane carry in General Discussion

    Build aghs then mjollnir and transition to right click with her dank af talents
    Lvl 10 get agi
    Lvl 15 get attack speed
    Lvl 20 get dmg
    Lvl 25 get leap attack speed
    I think smth like phase aghs lance mjollnir bkb butter/skadi/daed/mkb/bloodthorn/satanic/linkens/manta/pike
    She also has smth like 3 agi gain.
    It feels kinda like venge carry, she has leap aura buffs instead of venge aura, comes online fast, teamfights early, has a disable, ranged, agi.

    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

      One blademail, your core is fucked


        Ill try it fuck it. Ill risk -25 for science


          Build aghs then build whatever the fuck you need
          Blink after aghs still very good i think

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            I dont understand the that you need agh for safe lane mirana. Dlance to maelstorm is much better i think since agh = dlance and maelstorm combined. You also need to stay away from fight too(stay back to right click) not go in and drop your nuke


              Aghs is too good to pass up imo


                Aghs farms ultra fast


                  I play her whenever i can as carry.. Good shit but people ruin and send you to low prio when you take safelane with her. Even go as far as dualing or trilaning you with carry..


                    I dont think you can go late game unless you are a 1vs1 solo safelane with aggresive trilane. So maybe only for early pushing style so dlance and mael is better than agh blink


                      i think she is a good carry, but not worth the safe lane..

                      Erase Humanity

                        On a scale of Mirana to Spectre, how scalling is your hard carry?


                          She is useless as as carry i hope you joking she cant fight any other real same farmed carry, never

                          Putins Price Hike

                            is this a normal skill idea


                              ^mirana fights earlier than other carries, and she still hits hard idk what ur talking abt. Have u ever seen a lvl 25 mirana just leap and then see how hard she hits?


                                Also aghs is too good, but u can probably get rid of blink and then go lance maelstrom.


                                  I think right click carry mirana is the way to go now, you go aghs for the flash farm and the teamfight presence. I just dont think you go safelane without having a second carry mid like dusa or jugg maybe with shadow fiend because she doesnt scale amazingly and the leap buff applies to everyone in the area so its good to have someone else who can use that effectively. She just fits better into the mid role as a good ganker fairly hard to kill hero and someone who is good with another carry.


                                    I like to think of it when u want a jugg mid to counter enemy ember mid, but u already drafted mirana and some supports. Basically as a drafting tool where mirana is so flexible in terms of position and laning that she can fulfill safelane if needed


                                      mirana mid > mirana offlane > mirana carry

                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                        What did she offer as pos 1 carry compared to jugg luna ls




                                            Mirana might be the perfect dota hero as she can be effective in positions 1-5

                                            Is she the best 1? No. Is she the best position 5? No

                                            But if you play pub games and have a good sense of what the game needs you can be highly effective with her


                                              If anyone can compared to her versatility its venge actually


                                                ^venge cant be played pos 2 or 3.


                                                  Although i still do compare mirana and venge carry, venge is played as a carry, and although mirana's talents rnt as busted as venges (mirana gets lvl 20 +50 dmg while venge gets +65) i think theyre good enough along with her great agi gain for her to carry.


                                                    Mirana is like a pos 2.5


                                                      The right click mirana is a legit idea ,but giving her safelane is not imo


                                                        ^i dont mean u have to, but that its a decent option if u have a better scaling mid who u need for matchup reasons. Like my example of maybe picking mirana to go mid at first, but if enemy picks ember and u have a jugg, u run the jugg mid and the mirana safelane.


                                                          It's probably not outright bad just outshadowed by Luna/jugg/vs who all fill similar a similar niche while scaling better. The main strength I could see over other heroes would be to pick a setup support like Bane or SD and use that to totally smash your lane opponent.

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                                                            ^but then sd wud be better with luna right?


                                                              SD Luna scales better but it hardly has the kill potential SD+mirana does.


                                                                How abt another scenario, u pick mirana as a mid and they end up picking alch, so u end up putting tb in the mid against alch and running mirana safelane with an sd to help in lane and transition to scaling better with a tb on ur team for late game.


                                                                  Just party up, give a 5k player Mirana carry and goon squad with with a Nyx. Ez game.


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