hmm, for a long time i had 148 avg apm but since a month ago it has been increasing significantly, bringing avg up to 160
~130 and thats with like spam clicking to move and attack. How the fuck do people have over 500 APM.
I don't know how you people are getting over 300 APM, are just constantly clicking the ground non-stop or something? I only average around 120. 150 if it's a hero like Abaddon or BH who's constantly spamming abilities from the 0 minute mark.
No, I don't even spam right click.
Try turning the auto right click on in the menu, even a low APM player should get at least 250 ish.
idk cookie i play a lot of broodmother and im allways moving right clicking like stupid, is true i have autoclick now but when was toggled off is the very similar 420 to 450 as brood
yes i know profesional players have like 200 or 250 max. another thing i move the camera with the keyboard (and also i do 15k clicks in a 40 min match) im fucked
here guys a video of my brood 1 or 2 year ago (dota didnt have the option for autoclicks)
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Opendota have an feature (for free) to show you your apm ingame
My APM average are like 450~520
I feel in 10 years i will have problems in my hand feelsbadman