General Discussion

General DiscussionLFP

LFP in General Discussion

    I'm looking for several people for two different sorts of games, but always for the EU region.

    1) 1-2 guys who would consistently play tier7 battlecup with us, ideally pos 3 or 4/5, around mid 5ks, ideally high 5k. ppl who always play are me, florian (, and allison (
    everyone buys ticket for themself - im poor atm.

    2) several ppl for the DA league games against low mmrs.
    fun trash bo2s against 2-3ks, that my guys do not rly enjoy the way i do; so i dont feel like forcing them to play when they dont want. the only requirement here is for you to like playing with me/playing against 2-3ks.
    ah, and also not being late/missing games.
    the shedule is arranged by me and the other team's cap taking into account everyone's needs, so it'll be discussed with u in advance.

    Toto téma bylo upraveno
    disgusting weebs

      Here is the house
      Where it all happened
      Those tender moments
      Under this roof
      Body and soul come together
      As we come closer together
      And as it happens
      It happens here
      In this house

      [Verse 1]
      And I feel your warmth
      And it feels like home
      And there's someone
      Calling on the telephone
      Let's stay home
      It's cold outside
      And I have so much
      To confide to you
      With or without words
      I'll confide everything

      Here is the house
      Where it all happened
      Those tender moments
      Under this roof
      Body and soul come together
      As we come closer together
      And as it happens
      It happens here
      In this house

      [Verse 2]
      So we stay at home
      And I'm by your side
      And you know
      What's going on inside
      Inside my heart
      Inside this house
      And I just want to
      Let it out for you

      And I feel your warmth
      And it feels like home
      And I feel your warmth
      And it feels like home

      Here is the house
      Where it all happened
      Those tender moments
      Under this roof
      Body and soul come together
      As we come closer together

      me, government hooker

        fuck you i wanted to post some lyrics but i dont wanna derail this too much


          You know you could always ask me. It's not like I underperform <.<


            Eh Triple, let me play with you against 2,3ks. I can play on Eu just fine. XD

              Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

                sorry, i would help you nobs, but i think i will join OG instead....



                  < blank >

                    Count me in, those DA games are fun


                      count me in for the da games, i'll go carry oracle


                        would you accept a 2k for the DA games


                          bearcat.. 1661 isnt "2k mmr"

                          cookie whats wrong with carry oracle, i played a few games mid oracle and won most of them (before his base dmg got reduced)
                          never mind i actually just got carried in the games i won haha

                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                            fawk teach me how to mid oracle. i cant seem to do it


                              @backpack yeah I know but with a 60% winrate and based on how I play compared to others in my games I figure I'm at least 2k

                                Tento komentář byl smazán
                                  Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem
                                  bum farto

                                    I am up for both as long as when there's trash teams we pick funner heroes.


                                      havoc, i thought u dont have compendium neither can buy tickets, so i didnt invite u except for the 1st and 2nd bcup season

                                      then 4 slots are reserved


                                        @ Tri[plesteal : OK

