General Discussion

General DiscussionHello guys

Hello guys in General Discussion
1-IceTea 🌟

    with your 6K knowledge and machanic skill,how far will you go if you only play jungle?

    Player 404335202

      ^ 😂

      Graduated from RIZZ Unive...

        i do understand you either play mid or pos 1 but im kinda interested on what type of supports are you going to pick (if you're gonna pick one) when you reach low to mid 4k. any thoughts?


          Lel wonderful 2k specimen


            @eyes of i had to play sup ill most likely go with lion or rubick they r my favorite and they can do high impact

            1-IceTea 🌟

              Hey what about my question?
              You only answer cute girl aren't you?


                @icetea i really dont know but i think i can do pretty well with axe or lc at these mmrs but not with enigma or chen

                Lost first ember game i had emergncy and had to leave my friend played for me sec game won woth ember


                  Just small comment my main role was never mid it always have been carry and i will go back to carry when i reach higher mmr

                  But ofc i can play all roles but im best when i play position 1 as i played position 1 for long time with every team i joined

                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                    3.9k ending it with 2 rampages in row , the skill difference between 3.4 3.7 and 3.8+ is huge to be honest im starting to enjoy playing a bit because players r better, but still there reaction time is very slow id like to see which bracket will start having good reaction time as imo its one of the most important skills in dota

                    1-IceTea 🌟

                      Ya I get you they really can't tp into tower to def before all enemies reach.
                      Even 4K middle some of them still like to do it


                        keep giving us more of those mistakes you spot like you started on the first page, don't just tell us what mmr you are currently.

                        i am making a list of 3-4k mmr mistakes for myself as well, so it'd be nice to add in more if you spot them.

                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                          3k's are:

                          1. slow
                          2. inefficient
                          3. no idea how to lane
                          4. running like headless chickens almost like they forgot to control their hero
                          5. not using spells/missing them/not stacking stuns for example
                          6. no map awareness
                          7. greedy assholes who would rather buy some useless item instead of a set of wards, not buying detection
                          8. can't play from behind
                          9. can't play while being ahead
                          10. do they even know rosh exists?????
                          11. being afk pretty much 90% of the game and this is the same issue in 5k and people really trigger me cuz of this except the % is smaller in higher mmr.

                          pretty much no game sense at all. I'm playing from almost flat 2k and now I'm in 3k bracket on my friends smurf and improvements from 2k-3k are actually very small so far, some players can just lane better, bu I'm able to get out of control just in seconds if they give me the oppurtinity. Most games are pretty much like this GIGA LUL



                            Improvments from 2k to 3k are literally non existant, or really small as you said.

                            The real difference is noticable only after ~3800,but even then, I dare to say the BIGGEST difference in skill is after you reach like 4200 mmr.

                            @ op

                            I added you, since I'm strugling in 3.8-4.1k for a looong time, and would like to watch you play and maybe play a few games if you're up.

                            Keep the climb going, you're doing amazing.

                            Player 404335202

                              Omfg .. Op are u insane or what ? Those stats ,g&g


                                Okay ill give some mistakes that i spot

                                1. To 3ks here please notice when ur ward get dewarded dont place it same place ive seen a sentry dewarding 3 wards
                                2.something people dont know to do is when i am sf and got aegis i can hit tower while my team behind me , what actually happen is they run at tower get hooked or smth and make us 4v5

                                3.cores think support items are for supports, lets say your a slark who had gr8 early game you can solo that mid voker, u go shadowblade to gank him and he go ghost walk , 180 gold dust would net you over 300 gold twice while opening the map and making voker game harder+ he will be scared to show on map while ur missing

                                4.this is a mistake that happen in all brackets, flaming your team will only make your chance in winning lower, everyone gets mad and flame from time to time but most of people keep flaming like the harder you flame the better people play, i got dont give up in my chat wheel for these people

                                5. When your mid lane if u dont have an escape try not to stay at low hp unless you see the support on map and u wont die to enemy midlaner , try not to use ur only way to escape as farming tool when ur low hp because it might kill you unless u use it and run back asap

                                6. A tip for your map awerness and how to farm when your behind or ahead , always keep an eye on that one or two hero that can easly kill you , hes top bot is free farm for u hes taking tower mid while ur team throwin spells to defend? Bot tower is free for u, ive done this countless of times where lets say lc is the only hero that can give me trouble if i see lc and two heroes on map i know the other 2 cant kill me ill be extremly agressive on the other side of map, be careful of setup for tp tho like bane sleep

                                Thats what i got right now hope it helps english is my sec language and i just woke up excuse my engrish


                                  Im not here to bash any bracket im trying to spot mistakes that can give improvment to anyone who read them


                                    mind if i add you so i can ask you some questions?


                                      No its ok anyone can add me ill accept all and rdy to help


                                        can I add you too? you're just good at spotting mistakes and giving advices. I would like you to be my tutor if you have free time hehe :)


                                          can't play from behind

                                          This has been one of my biggest weakness for awhile
                                          How do I fix this


                                            @getlaid sure bro

                                            Playing now mmr 3908


                                              @f!re what's your steam link, i am currently not on my laptop right now. I'll just add you on steam.


                                                thanks btw man,


                                                  4k mmr now :3


                                                    congrats man, learned a lot of stuff (or more like confirmed a lot of stuff you said) after watching you earlier, my thanks for that! how far are you gonna be playing mid tho


                                                      FIRE like a boss


                                                        I need mid laning/laning tips


                                                          2k is pretty much above but they are headless and armless chicken and only know how to click hero and ground past 10min and they need 100 year to be farmed


                                                            chickens are literally armless though lol


                                                              i really never believed that 6k player can stop 4k bracket so easy... i thought he will have like 60-65% wr in it, but still would need to tryhard to climb, but this looks like walk in a park for you



                                                                It's not 4k bracket, it's 3800-3900-4000.

                                                                After he gets to the 4500 or so, it will slow down


                                                                  12 win streak had fun with timber and magnus, taking a break


                                                                    haha watched your last game, that was ez for u though


                                                                      well he is now 4k.
                                                                      I am 1000 mmr ahead when compared my solo with party, but when i party, i still need to tryhard, most games are not even close to stomps, just now had sickcomback since our spectre went 2x dragon lance as first items...
                                                                      and this guy make his games looks like he is playing against bots or something


                                                                        i wanted to download your replay but it shows failure in downloading replay file. :( I need to learn from you

                                                                        Player 404335202

                                                                          3 days to leave 3k bois :-)


                                                                            I'm gonna spam antimage to 4k boys
                                                                            You heard it here first

                                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                                              Good shit man, keep it up.


                                                                                Streak ended with tb tbh i was eating while playing, won the other with sf got reckt at mid by pudge and ss and i had no war mid so i bought 1 for myself but they left pa free farm and she farmed well space created


                                                                                  @aFeect, so since I don't cover most of your points, I'm not a 3k? :o



                                                                                    what ur opinion on that storm spirit game? i mean i think u destroyed mid, ganked a lot, created a lot of space, but it was a hard game, cuz ur team just couldnt take towers againt a treant, and tb got out of control.

                                                                                    do u think anything could ve been done to turn this game to u? at 45min the exp dif was pretty marginal, but networth they were like 15k ahead, mostly of that on tb lul

                                                                                    anyway, wp man!


                                                                                      I believe if i went orchid not bstone we had way better chance , speaking of what i could do better , i went greedy build with bloodstone

                                                                                      I believe i should change my playstyle now after 4k being greedy and over agressive wont work as much so i will reduce the fighting a bit and increase my farm rate



                                                                                        Is there a difference between 4100 and 3800-3900 tho?


                                                                                          ^ ROFL ofc there isn't


                                                                                            Tbh im finding difference since people r starting to do some smoke plays and more ganks on mid

                                                                                            Lost 94 mins to a techies im tired and not playing well anymore 4.1k today thats it for now btw fk techies

                                                                                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                              PogChaMP F!RE

                                                                                              1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                                5 day grind 600 such a positive story to thouse who said 'I lose so many game because of my team'

                                                                                                Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                                                                  3.cores think support items are for supports, lets say your a slark who had gr8 early game you can solo that mid voker, u go shadowblade to gank him and he go ghost walk , 180 gold dust would net you over 300 gold

                                                                                                  True. In tournament, some carries actually farm support items. Imagine a tidehunter or omniknight that have a 15mins Guardian Greaves. That's a huge advantage for your team especially if you start going 5v5.