General Discussion

General Discussionpredict the next arcana

predict the next arcana in General Discussion
Pale Mannie



      not io.

      Ghastly Wail

        Someone where they are able to alter the Skills.

        Dont think someone like Lifestealer. Not enough bling bling in his skills.

        Maybe someone like Lich?

        Would love to see Warlock or Death Prophet Arcana.
        But since not much played i dont think so.

        Think someone with high Pickrate.
        Higher Pickrate means more people to buy it. Maybe Pudge? xD

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          Rubick would be neato.


            the heroes that got the arcana so far, are not the most popular ones.
            legion? cm? techies? lina? they werent picked much at the time arcanas were released either.

            dp's arcana could be great indeed, invoker'd be cool but he alrdy got a set which is roughly equal to an arcana. pudge has several extremely expensive cosmetics alrdy but he'd be a decent arcana carrier too.
            mb it'll be another support hero next time, or finally an offlaner.


              5x arcana

              Ghastly Wail

                Well i dont count Techies in it, because it came with Hero release.
                Isnt CM one of the most picked support Heroes in pubs? Or WAS most picked at that time?

                Well you're kinda right. Just my wild 2k Imagination.

                Offlaner, maybe Weaver or Centaur?
                Dont think Slardar will get one since he got remodeled.

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                Sugar Show

                  Invoker , Pudge or Am arcana

                  white boy summer

                    batrider would be cool tho lol


                      Too obvious. It's wisp


                        Pls no antimage arcana, the amount of people picking antimage in pubs is already too high


                          They pick am into any lineup, instantly tilting the Russian on the team, creating chaos for the first 20 mins and usually losing game


                            it would be invoker




                                Chen. asdasd text too short...

                                i commend

                                  QOP but her winrate is pulling her down. I believe it could pudge, am, wisp, slark or invo


                                    Please no AM

                                    < blank >

                                      Storm will be the 15th arcana

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                                        1-IceTea 🌟



                                            if they let us vote again, Io, Pudge, Luna or Omni


                                              Bane, keeper, balanar or nyx

                                              Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                Krobelus. Exorcism ghost must be cool.


                                                  They're already cool


                                                    If it were up to me it wud be io. But other than that i wud go for slardar, or maybe even wraith king. Others would be storm, timber, necro, dk, and tiny.


                                                      rubick will never get one.

                                                      id guess slark or sniper necro or weaver


                                                        dp, rubick, invo already have cool set
                                                        but jug already have that cool set
                                                        oh jug is voted

                                                        Small Song

                                                          Kotl would have some pretty cool spells to play with: that blowy-miss spell, illuminate, recall, give other mana, his glow... Also, he has a mount, so his alternate run could be falling off and chasing the horse in a panic. Just saying...

                                                          If they sell a ton of the juggs arcana, they might go back to votes to decide.

                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                          all role player

                                                            Pls no IO again ffs. Valve wont let IO win

                                                            xMeric 紫影

                                                              Pudge, Luner, Mirana, Spectre, or Slark for cancer

                                                              Ryan Gosling Fan

                                                                I say its gona B Alchemist


                                                                  Io, or Wisp

                                                                  Blue ball need justice




                                                                      i would love wr arcana, though i know its gonna happen, :D

                                                                      Cripple Ninja

                                                                        i want tinker, mirana and rubick. but i think pudge will be the next arcana


                                                                          venomancer, sniper



                                                                            Farm then Carry

                                                                              abaddon is legit

                                                                              Président® Salted Butter

                                                                                ^ I agree

                                                                                But as to who will get the arcana? Maybe Storm, Slark, Ember or Axe


                                                                                  Whoever is the least picked obviously


                                                                                    Obv. The next one is pugna hehe... am i right...?? Just me?? Ok...

                                                                                    Player 199865998

                                                                                      Necrophos. Flashy skills, high win and pick rate.

                                                                                      Io needs justice tho.


                                                                                        Antimage so he would get buffed when it's released

                                                                                        Fee Too Pee

                                                                                          Sven? another sword user arcana LUL

                                                                                          Boss Lotte

                                                                                            Roshan arcana

                                                                                            Boss Lotte

                                                                                                AM, Luna, Centaur, Kunkka, Clockwerk since his cosmetics are all very lame, Pudge or Invo if noobs/trolls are allowed to vote again, Spirit, Faceless, maybe Tusk?

                                                                                                Or what we all want, Junglers:
                                                                                                Furion, Enigma (volvo pls), maybe Enchantress?, Ursa.

                                                                                                But "realistically" these one's will get it:
                                                                                                Axe, Blood, Pudge, AM, Sniper, Slark and Weaver will more likely take the cake. Sad, I Know.

                                                                                                Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                                                all role player

                                                                                                  I want Riki arcana man ! .... Umm never mind kinda wasted tho


                                                                                                    I say we should just vote again, we know volvo wont let us pick Io, and i don't plan on voting for the wisp, i personally can't decide between the many heroes i like so a community vote would be great.


                                                                                                      Weaver deserves arcana for beeing for long time in meta.


                                                                                                        I do sorry but this thread closed now
                                                                                                        noob and gayshit comment onpage 2

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