General Discussion

General Discussionwhats the easiest way to find a coop bot match

whats the easiest way to find a coop bot match in General Discussion
casual gamer

    ie shortest queue times i need to know for smurf purposes


      seems like easy is the fastest. From my personal experience atleast


        just queued a bot match and actually got a full team just afking for the trophy exp lul. Such luck


          dont u get abandon if u afk in game?
          and does bot matches give same exp like regular one? i want to smurf too but ican play limited games and i bought kiev major pass for items and stuff on this acc

          casual gamer

            LF 5k unranked mmr bot games :thinking:


              omg go to russ or eu server i think someone once said here on forum that russians play lot of bot games


                btw endless can u give me some sniper tips. i like the hero but ineed to improve. ive pretty good winrate in current patch but its tough to handle aggresive heroes in lane(esp SB and BH also slark once he gets sblade) or if supp is auto attacking in lane how hsould i keep up my farm?
                Wards arent very common in my bracket so cant rely on supp and all i buy few but it slows my farming.


                  why would easy be the fastest. most ppl want to play actual games with bots that do stff


                    choose unfair u will find it faster XD


                      us west/ru/europe west


                        you get the same exp and you can stay afk if you play necro, cuz you can kill creep camps with heartstopper. You can also rush a radiance and do the same thing with any hero

                        Player 404335202

                          What u wud do of smurf anyway ? Its gonna calibrate at 3.5k ... :-(

                          casual gamer

                            so i can play party mmr and not get matched against 7k solo 4-5k party people

                            also i can practice heroes that are good that i am relentlessly awful at

                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                              I used to play a lot of coop bot matches. I've never had to wait longer than 10 mins queuing unfair bots on USE.