General Discussion

General DiscussionPC Help

PC Help in General Discussion

    I installed new cpu ram and mobo but my pc wont start.What could be the problem?

    Ghastly Wail

      You tried to turn it off and on again?


        Yes,few times but the same.


          maybe give actual information


            does it beeb when you try to turn it on ?


              and if does how many times


                can you list all your components and is there any beeping sound or w/e?


                  On your pc 3 beep means no ram input

                  Boss Lotte

                    make sure the power supply is on? 911 dude

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                      I have ga-h8m1 g3260 and ddr3 4gb ram.


                        Only 1 beeping sound.


                          well if this is ga-h8m1 then this is Gigabyte MB and it most likely to have Award Bios. and I guess that it beeps once repeatedly (endless loop) if so then your RAM is improperly seated or there is missing memory.

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                            Hello , i 'd recomend u going to the computer doctor (chick only )