General Discussion

General Discussioncan you check my games and tell problem

can you check my games and tell problem in General Discussion

    so im like in 20 game losing stream(not including few wins) but im mostly best in team why is that? why i get bad teammates and enemy is super cooparative


      horrible itemization dude...aghs first item on void??

      then other game you play axe and after blink you buy maelstrom after blink instead if getting blade mail???

      other game luna you get shadowblade after treads, then manta and mask of madness and only after all those you get dragon lance? you should get dragon lance early because it has good value early game.

      thats already a big thing you can improve. you cant improve your allies but you can improve by not going stupid item builds

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        Stop dying
        Stop trying to be versatile


          i buy maelstrom becaue i had quest do damage with it, i dont die much compared to my teammates
          Stop trying to be versatile, playing one hero is booring


            Being trash and unable to outplay and outsmart people no matter what you pick is even more boring to be honest


              You can have a set of heroes to play instead of 1 hero to spam


                well maelstrom on axe makes 0 sense, why do you cry about teammates when its you that makes silly inefficient builds only for quests?

                then invoker game you get midas first and boots at minute 10, you start aghs but then get euls before it and finish aghs at minute 40? thats not good.

                nyx game: dont get dagon lvl 5 after blink, maybe lvl 1 is ok but you need aghs on nyx.

                conclusion: your teammates might be bad, but if you would stop buying dumb items every game you might be able to turn the tide.

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                  the problem is asking people correcting your game

                  The DarKNovA

                    No, Maelstrom, or more specifically, Mjollnir can be a valuable item on Axe. You know, after he has 5 core items already finished.
                    But not sooner.

                    Dire Wolf

                      You're playing way too many heroes so it's hard to comment. I usually switch between 4-5 carries every few games, even I play a lot, 10 different heroes in last 20 ranked games, but you have about 16 different heroes your last 20. On your carries your items look weird, thanks already explained.

                      Then a huge hole in your game is tower dmg. You need to push towers, there's no reason for a luna to have 219 tower dmg in a 42 minute game.

                      What's up with people abandoning your games so frequently btw? You side has an abandon like every other game.


                        thats a good question... anyway thanks all i will work on my item build more harder, so far ive watched atleast 1 pro match a day last month(my favorite EG and LIQIUID)


                          abandoning is a common thing in sub 3k matches.

                          too many "muh team is holdinh me back again" rages.

                          check my matches on this smurf its at 2.5 mmr or so and theres an abandon almost every match.


                            I've been in the same spot for a week or so, games just seem unwinnable regardless of how I play. I'm at about the same MMR and winrate as you as well.


                            Even if I'm not playing at my best I wouldn't expect to lose this many games, especially in 2k where it's not as necessary to play perfectly as long as you can farm and use your skills decently.

                            The best I've been able to figure is that the meta has shifted in some way, possibly towards higher rewards for winning teamfights (which tends to be a weak area for me), that I'm not capitalizing on correctly.

                            They have been making changes to MMR, too, so it's possible we're seeing some effect from an influx of people calibrating at 3-3.5k and then falling back.

                            At one point I had 7 dire games in a row and that seemed suspiciously like something that would be designed to make it more likely for someone to lose, but I may have just forgotten how to dota suddenly.

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                              Quests ruin ranked dota


                                I think being versatile helps, it makes you decent at everything, and then you can focus that on one hero and the knowledge from playing,others helps u play against that hero

                                1-IceTea 🌟

                                  CAN ANYONE HELP ME?

                                  I just played a party match that I try so hard I tank, I take objectives,I join necessary fight I foresaw everything in map and did good move,I solo kill make space for pos 1. I predicted most war outcomes told my teammate every best move but thouse noob think they are better and throw.I feel empty inside now,what should I do?

                                  Lets do Science

                                    I just looked at a few random games on your front page, one thing that caught my eye was your death count in core positions. Dying is an inevitable part of our existence as mortals but, that doesn't mean you can die all you want and think it has the same impact as a support dying. Cores not only are higher level but, have higher capability to effect towers n stuff goin down. When you're dead, your team is less able to contest the enemy team. In quite a few games you were out for a good chunk of the game due to your positioning errors. Your gpm / xpm also suffered terribly. The only games where you managed 400+ gpm / xpm in core positions were games where you were already rolling the enemy so badly they couldn't possibly touch you.

                                    Tip 1: stop dying like an idiot constantly.



                                      Your problem? Normal skill. Jokes !!!That is mean.

                                      Seriously, you are dying too much, which means your overcomitting or playing out of position. Do not be afraid to buy the odd ward. Supporting in your skill bracket is non-existent. A 65 gold investment (1 creep) is worth the intel it saves you when 4 heros come to invade your jungle so don't be cheap. Carry a tp scroll always, and tp to lanes for farm.


                                        OP, if you truly believe that you're losing that much because your team is always bad, you have to face reality.
                                        Truth is you have a 52% winrate, which is definitely acceptable and proves you are improving to some degree.


                                          yeah, fix your itemization and your winrate will go to 55%, then you statistically will gain 250 MMR every 100 matches.
                                          You cant jst keep playing you have to improve and inform yourself about the game constantly or you will hit plataeus sooner or later


                                            i subscribed pvgna com, i hope ill climb up from there