General Discussion

General Discussion5th position Lion suggestion.

5th position Lion suggestion. in General Discussion

    Since everyone in 3k want to play carry, i have decided to spam lion solo support to 4k, i am currently 3524 and have 60%+ winrate with lion. I want suggestion from good support players on how i should approach the games. I only intend on winning and not to enjoy the game or anything (play to win). check my recent games and give suggestions.

    Player 404335202

      Please explain what does this 1st ..2nd ....5th position mean ! Still idk that


        Win your lane. If it's a dual offlane that is superstrong let your carry get all the solo xp. IF it's a solo offlane zone him out let your carry free farm.
        IF the offlaner doesnt show up in lane anymore you successfully zoned him out bec he's jungling
        when the lanes free smoke up, gank lanes with high kill potential get xp profit.

        a fast dagger is always good.
        but buy stick/ wand first
        maybe wand/stick> boots of your choice> dagger

        always start with hex when initiating for solo hereos and impale for multiple targets.
        in team fights stay back and counter initiate unless you are sure that the hero you are going for is alone or you have a way to escape after initiation.

        Lion has mana problems especially in team fights, sometimes you wont get your combo off, having mangoes or arcanes is good.

        never get tired of buying wards dust esp. if you are the solo support learn warding spots. dont forget blue wards when pushing


          position 1-5 system defines only who has farm priority.

          aka pos 1 has the highest farm priority, pos 5 has the least priority to take farm.

          i'd recommend to just trash the lanes, gank A LOT.

          Tento komentář byl upraven

            As i know when you playing ranked, pos 4 and 5 always empty. Boring role always vacant.

            You can watching pro player playing support if you want.


              a good way to get another support in the game is to show jungle LC on minimap and wait for someone else to pick support, then you pick the other support.


                haha cookie then the guy that picked support first will just think "oh nice now i dont have to buy wards and can rush aghs/blink!", so you end up solo support anyway. but the dude most likely isnt a support player and therefore will underperform.

                at least in any game below avg 4k.

                Tento komentář byl upraven

                  Lion is actually such a difficult hero to play.



                    yes , lion is one of the more difficult supports to play. He is very squishy , so when slark comes around at min 13 with his SB you best be careful.

                    of course then you have embers, weavers and jugs which all shit on you. If your lucky you can get a decent dager timing.


                      that wouldn't really matter, you can be pos 5, he'll be pos 4.


                        you mean when slark gets his sb at 20 mins*


                          good safe lane slarks will have SB at min 13-15 no?

                          Gets FB, and maybe one other kill, takes stacks with darkpact, farms lane . This is of course assuming the supports zoned the offlaner.


                            This is of course assuming the supports zoned the offlaner.
                            there we go. i knew something was missing. yep you're 4.5k. no wonder. lul


                              @ jacked

                              Sorry I don't quite understand the context with respect to the mmr. Can you elaborate a bit more please?